
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El ayuntamiento de Lloret de Mar y el de Sevilla, entre los galardonados en los Premios Bioenergía

The Town Hall of Lloret de Mar and the Seville, among the winners in the bioenergy Awards


May 19, 2011

The installation of a system of biomass in four public schools conducted by the City Council of Lloret de Mar has been the bioenergy Prize in the section on biomass, which organizes Ategrus (Technical Association for the management of waste and the environment). The bioenergy Awards have been held its Fifth Edition with the award ceremony on May 11 at Feria de Madrid, where he held the Living Genera. Precisely the delivery of trophies was conducted Director Maria Valcarce is generated, and the President of Ategrus, Julián Uriarte.

In the biofuels, the award went to the Seville Council for its work, in collaboration with Lipasam and bioenergy selective, in the selective collection of domestic oil and biodiesel production. In other energy facilities award was for the city of Alicante, for his project on energy use of biogas, obtained in the biomethanisation plant and the network of gasification of the landfill of municipal solid waste treatment plant.

The bioenergy Gold Award for the best innovation was to Cespa, waste management, by carrying out the project ' Biofuel: development of a new comprehensive treatment process of waste with generation of liquid biofuel as a final result '. The Silver went to Tir Cantabria, for the project of integral treatment of urban waste in the autonomous community.

The prize for the initiative with greater impact, recognition was for RWE Innogy Iberia biomass by the planting of 235 acres of paulownias in Villamartin (Cadiz), followed by the cooperative of the Mount of Tabuyo, the installation of a boiler of biomass for heating and water hot in the industry and the restaurant of the cooperative. The prize for their efforts in r & d have been for the Foundation Circe, by the laboratory of trigeneration based on energy crops from biomass combustion, and Urbaser, for his work in the field of research and development in the field of bioenergy.

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