
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Barloworld Finanzauto presenta sus productos y servicios en Genera 2009

BARLOWORLD-Finanzauto presents its products and services at generates 2009


May 25, 2009

The company Barloworld-Finanzauto was present as an exhibitor at the 12th edition of the international trade fair for energy and the environment generates, which took place from 12 to 14 may at the Madrid fair, Ifema. The company presented the energy solutions offered as products Caterpillar in Spain exclusive distributor.
Caterpillar has a wide range of groups motogeneradores to natural gas to the market of cogeneration, with a range of powers between 90 and 6,500 EKW. BARLOWORLD Finanzauto, in addition to the provision of groups motogeneradores Caterpillar, offers a wide range of services in the field of cogeneration, from the conception of a prior feasibility study, to the implementation in the form 'key in hand' of the project, or the provision of a comprehensive service of maintenance of the generator group. As a new product, the company introduced motogeneradores to 1,500 rpm Natural Gas: the G3512E engine, whose electrical power is of 1,212 ekW. This generator of 12 cylinders in V, and under the Miller cycle technology presents an electric performance of 42.4%, gaining these benefits with a cooling of the circuit of the postenfriador with water inlet to 54 ° C, to facilitate the disposal of this residual heat from low heat level.
In addition, Barloworld-Finanzauto presented, within the technical seminars organized on May 14 by the associations caught and hosting, on the occasion of generates, a paper on combined heat and power in the tertiary sector and the solutions offered by Barloworld-Finanzauto groups motogeneradores Caterpillar.
Barloworld Finanzauto stand in generates 2009
Barloworld Finanzauto stand in generates 2009.

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