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Move himself

Albert Esteves, editor of Interempresas02/03/2009

March 2, 2009

"Do something, and if not, do something else". Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Today, with regard to the crisis, companies can be divided into two categories: will perish and will survive. If you are you convinced that theirs is the first group can stop reading here and devote his time to think about a new job or a new project. But if it isn't, please continue. The companies that will overcome the crisis, which are the majority, are divided in turn into two subcategories: that will come out weakened and which will be reinforced once the economy regain the path of growth. That your company is located in one or other of these two subcategories depends solely on the strategy adopted during the months that during the crisis.

It is understandable that, before the sharp fall in demand in many sectors of industry, linked to the growth of late payments and financial difficulties, most companies have been forced to make drastic adjustments and most of expansion and modernization projects have been paralyzed. Undoubtedly the parsimonious attitude of the Bank is having much to do in this. It is therefore reasonable that, in the first phase of the crisis and to the general pessimism fuelled by institutions and financial gurus, business strategies will be designed by a criterion of maximum prudence and, even those that are best commercial and financial situationthey have opted for the prudent 'wait and see'. We have gone from overconfidence to the excess of caution and almost no one moves. The fog of uncertainty blurs a landscape dominated by a tense quietness.

However, such as Seneca taught us, many things we do not dare to undertake them, not because it is difficult in itself, but rather are difficult because we do not dare to undertake them. For this reason, once past the initial shock, assessed the damage and corrected the misalignment, undertakings which are able to move is before the best opportunities to obtain decisive advantages in relation to its competitors. Advantages which, in another context, it may take decades to reach or simply not could achieve what ever.

As well, which they can invest, to invest now. Who can buy a new machine to improve your productivity and expand its range of products does not find a time better. Manufacturers or distributors will offer discounts and amazing financial conditions. If I thought changing industrial warehouse or Office has before it the best possible scenario to find the best deals. If he had decided to reduce its advertising, forget it, more advertising than ever before. The media impact of the campaigns in times of crisis increases its power dramatically. If he planned to set up a new business, take a business or professional adventure, do so now. Take advantage of these months to design the strategy, acquire assets and find and train the staff. It will benefit the maximum of the inertia that will generate economic recovery. And if you is part of the vast majority of the wage-earning population that is not going to lose their jobs or their income will be reduced, think seriously about change of housing, furniture, household appliances or car. It will not, in many decades, a more favourable time.

The world is the bold entrepreneurs who know how to guess the right time to move forward, which are able to lift his head above the dense fog of pessimism that seems to permeate it all, and look a little further. As the poet Thomas Eliot stopped writing: "only those who will risk going too far can discover what you can get so far".

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