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The International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, talisman of the new commercial turning point of the sector

Veteco, SCS and Stone: satisfaction generalised and commercial optimism

Editorial Interempresas26/05/2014

The International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, Sicre 2014, conformed by the fairs Veteco, SCS and Stone, had the participation of more than 20.200 professionals. The 320 companies participants achieved numerous contacts of business and closed important agreements, standing out the quantity and quality in the profiles of professional visitors. Numerous display units have contabilizado 20% more than visitors that in the last edition. The meeting of this year explained besides with an intense program of congresses, forums and technical days, that mark future.

The International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, Sicre 2014, gathered in the Fair of Madrid of the 7 to 10 May happened to a total of 320 companies, and gathered to more than 20.200 professional participants, of 63 countries. 51 of them, come of other markets.

One of the strategic pillars of international positioning of his events, has achieved to attract to professionals of all the world, standing out the origin and in order of importance of Europe (Portugal, France, Italy, Germany and United Kingdom), north of Africa (Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt), and Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil). The fair had a program of Invited International, with 438 buyers invited international of 50 countries. Many of them participated of the workshops of commercial meetings between international operators and display units of Veteco and Stone. It fits to stand out the feelings of the international investors on the big moment of opportunities to invest in the Spanish market and on his route.

Sicre 2014

Sicre 2014.

The Fair finished with big satisfaction of the display units, that achieved numerous contacts of business and closed important agreements. The International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation was integrated by Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed; SCS, the new International Living room of Solutions for the Sustainable Construction; and Stone, the International Fair of the natural stone, that forms part of SCS but with own identity.

The speakers that participated in the congresses developed in the frame of the Fair, that was inaugurated by the Secretary of State of Infrastructures, Transport and House, Rafael Catalá Polo, put in evidence the need of a greater financials to improve the energetic efficiency of the buildings. Between the celebrated events appears the Congress of Buildings of Power Almost Invalid, organised by Tecmared and the Ministry responsible for public works, the only that organises to national level to tackle of integral form all the appearances that conform an edificación of high energetic efficiency, so much in new work as in rehabilitation.

Sicre 2014

Sicre 2014.

During his intervention, Sorcha Edwads, general secretary of Cecodhas Housing Europe (European Committee of the Social Habitat, an association whose members add 25 million houses in 18 countries) ensured that in Spain exist projects, technical solutions, sufficient legislation and will of edificar of form energetically efficient, but warned that they are missing intermediate organisms that help to achieve and manage the pertinent financials of Europe for the projects of energetic efficiency.

In the course of the Week also celebrated the II Congress of Strategies for the Efficient Rehabilitation of Buildings, to charge of the General Steering of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid, and of Fenercom, Foundation of the Power of the Community of Madrid.

Forum Aurhea

Another of the celebrated events was the Circuit Aurhea (Classroom of Efficient Rehabilitation and of the Saving), in which it stood out a day on ‘The Administrators of Fincas and the Rehabilitation in Communities of Neighbouring', with the end to call the attention on the importance to rehabilitate the buildings of houses.

The Forum Aurhea also celebrated a table debates on the Administration in front of the rehabilitation, in which Fernando of the Servants, manager of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of the Power, desveló that the Plan Pareer, program of helps of the Idae for the sector of the energetic rehabilitation of buildings, still has of 125 million euros. In this forum also took part the president of Anerr (National Association of Companies of Rehabilitation and Reform), Fernando Prieto; the director of the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, Raúl Alley; and the general director of Rehabilitation and Social Services of the City council of Madrid, Mercedes Jack.

Congress Iberoamericano of Facility Managers

In the frame of the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, also celebrated the Congress Iberoamericano of Facility Managers (CIFMers), that treated on personal certifications and normalisation, provision of services, power and sustainability. During his intervention, the president of the Spanish Society of Facility Management (Ifma), Pedro García Car, explained the characteristics of these professionals that manage the active real-estate of the organisations and the services associated to these real estate; and it ensured that the Facility Management manages the second centre of cost of the companies by economic volume in Spain.

Sicre 2014
Sicre 2014.

Innovation and creativity in the architecture with wood

Another of the forums organised was promoted by the Spanish Association of the Trade and Industry of the Wood (Aeim) and treated on the paper of the wood in the innovation and creativity in the architecture of avant-garde. In the meeting, the executive director of Ahec (American Hardwood Export Council), Mike Snow, explained that “in these moments all the world wants to present his materials like ecological and is not easy for the public know which are it really. However, there is a form to do it, that is using the science and measuring the environingingmental impacts”. On the other hand, Snow ensured that by each cubic metre of concrete and steel that replaces by a wooden cubic metre deletes a tonne of CO2 of the atmosphere.

Forum Iberoamericano of Window and Closing Glazed

In Sicre 2014 developed also a Day Iberoamericana of Window and Closing Glazed, in which they analysed the international markets and the perspectives that these offer for the sector. The meeting, framed in the Forum Ventus, was organised by the Forum Iberoamericano of the Closing and the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows (Asefave). During the meeting remained patent that the internationalisation is showing like a logical option in the commercial activity of the companies of the sector and the most important in some cases. Besides, the forum turned into an excuse to favour the meeting between companies of different countries, that concretised synergies to tackle the global market more easily.

Energetic saving through Efficient Windows

80% of the 2,5 million houses that exist in the Community of Madrid has an energetic certification very low and are true sumideros of power, by what his potential of improvement is very high. Like this it signalled it the general director of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid, Carlos López Jimeno, in a day on Energetic Saving through Efficient Windows, organised by the Community of Madrid and the Foundation of Power of the Community of Madrid (Fenercom), in which they also took part the general director of Asefave, Pablo Martín. Martín stood out the importance to spread the energetic efficiency and to think especially in the final addressee of all the measures of saving, that is the user.

Forum Are User 2014

In Sicre also celebrated the Forum Are User 2014. In the meeting took part the deputy director of architecture and Edificación of the Ministry responsible for public works, Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro, the one who referred to the “stop” produced in the construction and ensured that when the sector “resurrect” will not do it in the same form in which it was, since it will have given a turning point, but the important is that the revival produce “very focused” and that the final user know well the offer of the market and what interests him choose. “It treats to do the things well”, aimed.

Sicre 2014
Sicre 2014.

During the same day, the director of the Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, Raúl Alley, explained that the Fair has conceived opening the doors to the final user so that it know all the existent possibilities and that has wanted to put the accent in the construction, rehabilitation, efficiency and comfort.

Label of Energetic Efficiency

One of the celebrated round tables during the Living room centred in the windows and faã§ades of the 2020 with accessories Alum and PVC, in which they participated representatives of Asefave, Deceuninck, Ensatec, Gesfacil and Rotofrank. Inside the Circuit Aurhea, organised a meeting on excellence in the design and rehabilitation of commercial spaces, promoted by Anerr and Retail Design Institute. And, on the other hand, it realizar a workshop on the Label of Energetic Efficiency, organised by Asefave.

Projects of innovation in Stone

The Fair also received a meeting on Projects of Innovation in Stone, organised by the Spanish Federation of the Natural Stone, in which they proposed new technicians to increase the aprovechamiento in the production of this material and reutilizar the waste, contributing like this to diminish the pollution. In these moments, the degree of efficiency of extraction equipment equipment of the natural stone is of 10%, that is to say, of each 100 tonnes that extract only take advantage of 10, as it signalled Elena López, of the Technological Centre of the Marble. During the meeting spoke also of the catering of mining floors contaminated by means of reuse of slimes of marble.

Between the multiple days celebrated also stood out the I Day of Construction Alimarket and the Forum Ventus, organised by Cepco, on opportunities of the market iberoamericano for the companies of construction.

Balance of the display units

The International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation finished with big satisfaction by part of the display units, since the companies and associations participants achieved numerous contacts of business and closed important agreements.

In the stand of Asefave “has attended to several hundreds of visits and have celebrated multiple meetings with employers and other associations”. Besides, “it has received to 25 employers of the Brazilian Association of Windows, and have kept meetings with Mexican professionals, Portuguese and of other nationalities”. The Spanish Association of the Trade and Industry of the Wood (Aeim) received “several hundreds of visitors”, registered “100 visits with possibilities of business”, kept meetings with “partners and sponsors of United States, Great Britain” and “has strengthened relations with a Dutch entity”.

The German manufacturer of hinges for doors Dr. Hahn does a very positive evaluation of the Veteco 2014. The days of fair in Madrid were a success rotundo and resulted in a lot of promising contacts, confirmed Sven Fritzsche, delegated of the company in Spain and Portugal.

Sicre 2014
Sicre 2014.

The American Hardwood Export Council (Ahec) attended “around 30 national visits daily, of them 10% of international character”. And Anerr contabilizó “more than 1.000 visitors interested, of which roughly 10% were international and proceeded of countries like Germany, Portugal, etc.”.

Kömmerling/KBE Received “several hundreds of visits, especially of architects, potential customers and distributors and other professionals in general”. Between 5% and 10% proceeded “of out of Spain, especially of Latin America, Portugal and other European countries”. Cortizo Saw to parade “5.000 visitors interested in his products, with a very professional profile, especially during the first days of Fair”. And Somfy showed “very satisfied” by the number of visits achieved, that already during the first day of Fair registered “an increase of 20%” regarding the previous edition.

Veka Found this year with more visitors that in the previous edition of the Fair and with a type of visitor of “greater quality, very motivated and interested”. Deceunink Showed satisfied of a more active “Fair” that the previous edition and “will go out of here with an important turnover”. Carinbisa Ascertained an upward trend in the Fair and achieved “good number of contacts and of possible collaboration”. And by the stand of Velux happened more than 1.000 visits and “500 potential customers have interested in the products of the company”. Between the visitors that had his stand stand out the pertinent of Portugal, Sudamérica and the east countries.

Land Porcelánico Registered 450 visits, of which 70% materialised in projects of business for restaurants, cafés, etc. Lafarge contabilizó more than 500 visits and 50 daily meetings with customers. Sika Registered 600 visits of new and potential pertinent customers of all Spain. And by the stand of White Stone of the Real Madrid happened more than 200 visitors, “the majority of them professional very skilled”, and the company has celebrated “around half hundred of meetings”.

Sicre 2014
Sicre 2014.

European granites received to “big number of visitors interested” and realizar “35 projects of budget”. Arival Stone checked this year that has increased the number of visitors “that know exactly what look for and that look for things very concrete”, besides more than 80 people “have interested ” to a large extent by his products. And OnixStone received “between 40 and 50 visitors each day, fundamentally professional decoradores and architects”. Between the pertinent of out of Spain, stood out “the Arabs and the Asians”. The company has realizar also agreements of sectorial collaboration.

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Veteco - IFEMA

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