A transposition of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency decaffeinated will suppose to leave to save 1.000 million euros to the big companies
16 May 2014
The analysis of the impact of a transposition “decaffeinated” of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency will involve, according to the Study realizar by To3and – Association of Companies of Energetic Efficiency, and presented by Rodrigo Morell in a technical day in
In concrete, the study centres in the transposition of the chapter II, 'energetic auditsss', and quantifies in 1.000 million € the savings 'lost', in 60 million € the fiscal income that the Administration will leave of ingresar, and in 200 million € the turnover that will not realizar the companies that work in the sector of the Energetic Efficiency. And this because of a transposition that moves away of the spirit of the Directive, when allowing that the energetic auditss can realizar them internal personnel of the company, and substitute partially the energetic audits by energetic certifications of buildings.
The Association of Companies of Energetic Efficiency (To3and), in the course of a technical day organised by the Associations To3and, AMI and Adhac in the frame of Genera, presented these negative conclusions in front of more than 150 people that abarrotaron the room of Ifema where took place the day, and in front of the own Minetur that has been the Ministry commissioned to draft the Royal decree that will have to publish before 5 June, and that transpone an important part of the Directive 27/2012/EU of Energetic Efficiency, (in concrete the relative to the energetic auditss, accreditation of providers of services and energetic auditsors, promotion of the energetic efficiency and contabilización of energetic consumptions).
The analysis realizar by To3and compares the stage of a transposition 'literal', with the stage 'decaffeinated' that go to have after the publication of the Royal decree. And it does it comparing two fundamental appearances as they are, that the energetic auditss can (or no) be substituted partially by energetic certifications of buildings, and that they can (or no) be realizar by technicians of the own company. In opinion of To3and, argued by Rodrigo Morell in base to the analysis realizar, does not exist justification not to be faithful to the spirit of the Directive, since anybody comes off well. The Administration, for treating to avoid some small costs to the big companies, (quantified in 200 million €, that would recover in 1 year implanting only measured of saving without costs), leaves to escape an opportunity that would generate advantages very upper for all, included the own big companies.
Manuel Sayagués, president of To3and opened and moderated the day in which they also participated Victor Valverde in representation of the General Sub-directorate of Energetic Planning and Follow-up of Minetur, Javier Sigüenza, general secretary of AMI, and David Serrano member of the Managerial Board of Adhac.
Victor Valverde, explained in his exhibition during the day, the complex work developed for transponer this Directive, and the criteria that justified some of the disposals that will establish the Royal decree. Equally it commented the calendar of work that has followed to be able to fulfil with the marked aims and that have gone fulfilling, resaltando that Spain finishes to send the National Plan of Saving and Energetic Efficiency 2014-2020 to the European Commission.
Javier Sigüenza and David Serrano defended to his time the allegations that presented his associations to the Project of Royal decree, in his formality of public audience, in relation to the Energetic Services and the Networks of Heat and Cold.