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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Knauf y Parexgroup desarrollan un nuevo sistema de fachada ventilada continua
Presentation of the new solution in Sicre 2014

Knauf And Parexgroup develop a new system of continuous ventilated façade

David Muñoz12/05/2014

The companies Knauf and Parexgroup, referents in his markets and with a history and important implantation in the networks of national distribution, have developed jointly a “new system of continuous light façade without boards and autoportante, with thermal sensors isolation in his interior and camera of air ventilated”, result of the work of the equipment constituted especially for the project in the fields of marketing, communication and technician, that have been directed by Javier Pedroche and Sever Roig.

Precisely, Javier Pedroche, of Knauf, and Sever Roig, of Parexgroup were the attendants to present this new system of continuous ventilated façade in the frame of the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation (Sicre 2014), celebrated in Fair of Madrid (Ifema) of the 7 to 10 May. Both did a small presentation of each one of the companies, before going in in detail in the components and advantages of this innovative solution.

Of left to right: Javier Pedroche, of Knauf, and Sever Roig, of Parexgroup, during the presses conference
Of left to right: Javier Pedroche, of Knauf, and Sever Roig, of Parexgroup, during the presses conference.

Knauf, with central headquarters in Iphofen (Germany) is a familiar company founded in 1932 and whose property at present finds in hands of the heirs of the founders Alfons and Karl Knauf. The company, considered like one of the main manufacturers of materials of construction of the world, finds established to global level with more than 150 factories delivered by Western Europe, east Europe, Asia, Africa, Sudamérica and EE UU. His turnover round the 5.000 million euros and has more than 24.000 workers.

Knauf Established in Spain in the year 1989, being his central headquarters in Madrid and being his aim prioritario “provide quality, technology, comfort and sustainability inside the sector of the construction by means of products centred in a prime matter with qualities really exceptional as it is the plaster”. Nowadays, Knauf GmbH Branch in Spain is one of the main manufacturers of plate of plaster laminado (PYL) in the Iberian Peninsula. The company has two factories in Spain, Escúzar (Granada) and Guixers (Lleida) and his commercial network is formed by eleven delegations in our country and two more in Portugal.

Celebrated presses conference in the installations of Ifema

Celebrated presses conference in the installations of Ifema.

His catalogue of solutions is conformed by products so diverse like the systems of façade , septums and tasdosados, floors, false ceilings, systems of high protection to the fire, systems antirradiaciones...

One of the values of Knauf is his high commitment by the preservation of the nature. Reforestryar And bioclimatizar the spaces used for the extraction equipment equipment of the plaster is a subject prioritario in all his processes of exploitation of the quarries. Knauf Is besides official sponsor of Green Building Council Spain, a non-profit organisation that promotes and evaluates the energetic efficiency and the sustainability of the buildings.

The company, highly engaged with the ‘sustainable architecture', is equally member of several sectorial associations in Spain and numerous taking measures in matter of social action.


By his part, Parexgroup treasures an experience of more than 30 years in the sector of the construction, having attained through acquisitions of local SMEs and of organic growth, a volume of business of 755 million euros the past 2013 (50% of his sales correspond already to emergent markets). The company has a staff of 3.550 workers, operates in more than 20 countries and has 61 factories and 9 centres of R&D.

The innovation plays a key paper in his activity, as it shows the fact that 20% of his sales correspond to products that have less than five years of life in the market.


Parexgroup Is specialised in Spain in three lines of business: placing of ceramics, treatment of concrete and solutions of faã§ades (Coteterm and Cotegran). In this last field is, definitely, all a referent in the market with more than two million square metres installed in systems of thermal sensors isolation by the outside (SATE).

New system of continuous ventilated façade

The project, in which Knauf and Parexgroup have been working from starts of 2013, gives like result an innovative system that conjuga the best of the systems of light façade Knauf Aquapanel and of the systems of thermal sensors isolation by the outside Coteterm of Parexgroup.

The system composes of a structure portante of aluminium and plates of outside of cement Portland with additives aligerantes no organic and reinforced with mesh of fibre of glass, that revisten with a basic mortar armed with mesh and finalise with decorative finishings continuous minerals and deformables.

Advantages of the system

System of continuous light façade: Structure portante of aluminium with system of plates and revestimiento continuous with inferior weight to 26 kg/m2. It allows to lodge installations in the camera.

Perfect planimetry: System of construction in dry of easy and fast installation. Continuous cloths without effects of waves or shadows.

Correction of collapses in faã§ades: adaptable Structure that allows variable distances between support and plate portante.

Pack Of products Knauf and Parexgroup necessary to install the new system
Pack Of products Knauf and Parexgroup necessary to install the new system.

Camera of inner air: In function of the planned system can ventilate the camera or that it was tight: tight Camera: Improves the global thermal sensors resistance of the closing; ventilated Camera: The current of air that causes produces two effects, dried by the possible entrance of water by the boards and of refrigeration when going circulating the air constantly.

thermal sensors sensors isolation: Continuous by all the façade and fixed mecánicamente to the support, avoiding condensations and thermal sensors bridges. Isolation recommended: they are mineral wools with reaction to fire type To1.

Acoustic isolation: The combination of geometry of the light façade more the use of type of thermal sensors isolation like mineral wools allow to improve acoustically the global closing. In function of the system of planned camera, tight or ventilated, can arrive to obtain reductions in the order of 5 to 10 dba.

Big possibilities of design (aesthetic): Big cloths without boards, maximum 225 m2 (15 x 15 m). To the not having practically of horizontal and vertical boards can obtain effects of continuity, planimetry and harmony in the composition of the elements of faã§ades, what would allow to resolve the external leather of the building of way practically continuous. Indicated also for tones very dark.

Big possibilities of design (geometrical): Possibility to obtain geometrical forms curves (radios of 1 to 4 m).

Estanqueidad To the water of rain and diffusion to the steam of water: In this system the level of boards is the possible minimum, but result sufficient to be able to offer the effect of inner ventilation and to be able to facilitate the necessary minimum deformations of the envolvente. In case of interiors with a high humidity (swimming pools, special industrial plants…) this system offers decisive advantages versus other systems of isolation: The permanent circulation of the air, improvement considerably the extraction equipment equipment of the humidity.

Hardly flammable: The majority of the components that form part of the system have of reactions to the fire type To1.

Very good behaviour to the impact: Better resistance to the impact in comparison to other construction solutions.

The new system can present two types of finishing: acrylic and mineral
The new system can present two types of finishing: acrylic and mineral.

With this new system, Knauf and Parexgroup look for to expand horizons in matter of construction solutions oriented to the improvement of the energetic efficiency. Each one of the companies will commercialise his own system: Knauf - ‘Façade Knauf Aquapanel Alu'; and Parexgroup - ‘System Coteterm FV'.

The new system goes to be backed próximamente by a Document of Adecuación to the Use (DAU), that is to say, a statement of the favourable opinion of the provision of a product or innovative constructive system in relation to the planned uses and to the clear-cut construction solutions, in the field of the edificación and of the civil engineering. This DAU is being elaborated at present by the Itec, Institute of Technology of the Construction of Catalonia.

Related Companies or Entities

Knauf España

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