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To3and and Gbce analyse the Certification of Buildings in Genera


9 May 2014

During the day on certification of buildings
During the day on certification of buildings.

Ifema has received on 6 May the day on certification of buildings organised by the Association of Companies of Energetic Efficiency –To3and and Green Building Council Spain (Gbce).

Almost a year after the entrance in force of the Royal decree 235 of Energetic Certification of Buildings, the day has served to review the main problems found during these first months and analyse the current situation in matter of energetic certification. The territorial delegate zone center of To3and, Enrique Egea (Nogawatio), explained that, in an emergent market like this, “so that the customers understand the true value of the energetic certificates the administration has to be more demanding and rigorous with the certificates.” In this same line, Ignacio Inda (Eurocontrol), member of the Managerial Council of To3and, affirmed that “the energetic certificate has to confer value added to a real estate at the same time that constitute a first step to save power. If these values do not understand , the certificate runs the risk to turn into a mere administrative formality.”

In the second part of the day, the more than 80 assistants have been able to know at first hand the appearances diferenciadores between the most used tools in environingingmental certification, eat READ, Breeam, Dgnb and Green.

In a moderate round table by the director associated of Sustainability of Arup and vice-president of Gbce, Ramón Rodríguez, four experts exposed the main characteristic and differences of the available environingingmental certifications in the actuality:

  • Paula Rivas, responsible of certification of GBCe, analysed the Green certification.
  • Silvia Andrés, READ Ap, professor of sustainability in UEM, analysed the certification READ.
  • Ana Luisa Cabrita, director of Breeam Spain, analysed the Certification Breeam.
  • Artur García, Industrial Engineer, Consultor Dgnb, analysed the Certification Dgnb.

This day has been the first of the two that To3and organises in Genera 2014. The second, centred in the trasposición of the Directive 2012/27/EU of Energetic Efficiency, took place the Wednesday 7 May also to the 16:00 h. In the Rooms N109 and N110 of the Ifema, with the assistance of 170 people.

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