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Protur Hotels, winner of the II Prizes of Energetic Efficiency


9 May 2014

The II Prizes of Energetic Efficiency, summoned by the Association of Companies of Energetic Efficiency (To3and) and the publisher The Installer with the collaboration of the Idae and the sponsorship of Natural gas Fenosa, recognise the work developed by institutions, companies, professional and students in profit of the energetic efficiency in Spain.

In his second edition have participated 42 candidatures delivered in three categories. In the Category To, ‘Prize To3and to the Best Performance of Energetic Efficiency', the jury has awarded the award to Protur Hotels by the project ‘Protur Biomar Big Hotel', situated in Palma de Mallorca. The jury, composed by 6 experts of the sector of the energetic efficiency, has valued, among others factors, the degree of innovation of the project, the savings reached, the volume and the profitability of the investment realizar. After the first prize, other 2 projects have attained an Accesit:

  • 2º Accesit: ‘Project Recargo (Renewable Energies - Electric Car - Grid Optimization)', realizar by the company Urbaser.
  • 1er Accesit: ‘Performance in energetic efficiency in the Buildings of offices of C/ Apoloni Moral, 29, of Madrid', realizar by Eneres Technological S.L.
Pedro To. Prieto (Idae) delivers the 1er Reward Category To, to Juan Laughed Bauzá (Protur Hotels)
Pedro To. Prieto (Idae) delivers the 1er Reward Category To, to Juan Laughed Bauzá (Protur Hotels).

In the Category B, the Better prize Project of Energetic Efficiency - End of Career, endowed with 1.000 euros and a scholarship for the ‘Course of Energetic auditssor in Edificación' organised by To3and, has gone to stop to the project ‘sustainable House for an almost invalid consumption', realizar by Claudia María Mendoza (Polytechnical University of Valencia).

Has valued , among others factors, the degree of innovation of the project, the savings reached and the profitability of the planned investment. After valuing the 14 proposals admitted to contest, also has rewarded with Accesit to other two projects:

  • 2º Accesit: ‘Study and Analysis of Energetic Efficiency in House Unifamiliar of Liria', of Gema García Merino (Polytechnical University of Valencia).
  • 1er Accesit: ‘Adoberies: Rest', of Sergi Mateos Cano (ETSAV- Univerisdad Polytechnical of Barcelona Tech).

And in the Category C, the Prize The Installer to the Best contained/informative action of energetic efficiency recognises the articles published, videos, blogs, advertising campaign, or other initiatives that have supposed an important promotion of the energetic efficiency. After valuing the 14 candidatures presented, the jury has awarded the first prize to ‘And- Enables: Application of the principles of the energetic efficiency in the rehabilitation' of the Foundation Centre Technological of Efficiency and Energetic Sustainability (Powerlab). Besides, they have given accésit to the following projects:

  • 1er Accesit for the project ‘Platform of Information and Energetic Management of Andalucia', realizar by the Andalusian Agency of the Power.
  • 2º Accesit shared by the project ‘I Competition of Energetic Efficiency', of the Foundation for the Energetic Efficiency of the Valencian Community (F2and) and the project ‘Twpower, the on-line community of energetic efficiency' realizar by Twpower.

The ceremony of delivery of the II Prizes of Energetic Efficiency To3and-The Installer has taken place inside the Fair Generates (Madrid, 6-8 May), after the celebration of the day on the Transposition of the Directive 2012/27/EU, organised by the associations To3and, AMI and Adhac.

The prizes have been delivered by the director of Energetic Efficiency of the Idae, Pedro To. Prieto, the general deputy director of Energetic Planning and Follow-up of the Minetur, Víctor Valverde, the general director of the Council of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid, Carlos López Jimeno, the president of To3and, Manuel Sayagués, and the general director of the publisher The Installer, Iñaki García Ocejo.

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