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The Gallery of Innovation of Genera 2014 presents 17 projects in which they prevail the technological innovation and the optimisation of the renewable energies

231 companies participate in the International Fair of Power and Environingingment

Editorial Interempresas05/05/2014

Fair of Madrid converts , between the 6 and on 8 May, in the epicentre of the renewable energies, the sustainability and the energetic efficiency with the celebration of Generates 2014, International Fair of Power and Environingingment. Organised by Ifema in collaboration with the Institute for the Diversification and the Saving of the Power (Idae), the contest gathers to 231 companies that show his proposals more vanguardistas in matter of cogeneration and micro-cogeneration, thermal sensors solar power, photovoltaic solar power and termosolar, hydraulics power, biomass, wind power and mini wind, hydrogen and battery, geothermal sensors power, as well as in the field of the energetic services.

In Genera 2014 gives a wide commercial offer in which they are represented companies and organisations so much national like international. In this chapter, the living room will receive the last pertinent tendencies of Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Low Countries and Portugal.

Generates 2013

Generates 2013.

A program of parallel activities complements the 17ª edition of Genera, that consolidates like one of the main meeting points of the sector, and a shop window of exception that allows to the professional know the most recent technologies and novelties of an industry in constant process of change.

In this occasion, Generates coincides besides two days with Sicre, International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, the event in which they integrate the living rooms Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed; SCS, International Living room of Solutions for the Sustainable Construction, and Stone, International Fair of the Natural Fair and that celebrates of the 7 to 10 May.

A dynamic sector and with projection of future

The celebration of the Living room puts of self-evident that the renewable energies keep his bet for keeping like a dynamic activity and configure as well as one of the bases on which build the Spanish economic recovery. According to data of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Power (Idae), published in the report ‘Hit Economic of the Renewable Energies in the Spanish productive system', the direct contribution of the sector of the renewable energies to the GDP of Spain in the year 2015 will suppose 9.903 million euros (0,88% of the GDP) and will reach the 13.065 million euros in 2020 (1,03% of the GDP).

The Spanish renewable industry foresees, besides, that the balance of exports keep positive during the next years and that in 2015 the commercial scales rise to 1.394 million euros, whereas in 2020 could suppose 1.893 million euros.

Regarding the contribution of this industry to the energetic generation, the Association of Producers of Renewable Energies (Appa) affirms in his study on the ‘Economic Impact of the Renewable Energies in Spain in 2012', that the renewable energies of the Special Diet generated 25% of the electricity in 2012. If contabilizan also the renewable of Ordinary Diet, the percentage rises to 30%; whereas in the previous exercise, these figures situated in 22% and 29%, respectively.

Technological development and advances in renewable, leading of the Gallery of Innovation

The technological avant-garde and the optimisation in the renewable energies are the signals of identity of the 17 projects that form part of the Gallery of Innovation of Genera 2014.

In his seventh edition, a jury formed by recognised professionals of the sector has selected those proposals that stand out by a high degree of innovation in matter of energetic efficiency, his commitment with the environingingment and his contribution to the sector of the renewable energies.

Generates 2013

Generates 2013.

Like this, the Gallery of Innovation of Genera awards in this edition a special leadership to the digital advances, that apply in thermal sensors installations of biomass, systems of irrigation or in the control of the valves termostáticas; it presents solutions that aúnan design, efficiency and saving and shows installations autosuficientes for the domestic and tertiary sectors. Beside this, the obtaining of power of form more efficient and less contaminante centres miscellaneous of the projects chosen, that tackle key appearances like the clean combustion of low quality coals and waste of refinery or the importance of the compensation of reactive power.

The companies and institutions that participate in the Gallery are: Agency Extremeña of the Power; Cade Solve of Engineering; Danfoss; Elcogas; Elinsa; Endef Engineering; School of architecture of the University of Navarra; Fahemar Power; Promotion of Constructions and Hire (FCC); Gecohomeproject; Installations and Electrical Settings of the Valley Aguayo; Juan Cusidó; Kalhidra; Onyx Solar Power; Opendomo Services; Systems of Solar Irrigation and the University of Valladolid.

Scientific divulging and analysis of the sectorial actuality

Generates also has spaces devoted to the scientific divulging and the analysis of the sectorial actuality. In this field, offers a wide program of Technical Days, integrated by more than 25 sessions, that will be given by experts and companies leaders of the sector. Some contents that will tackle, among others appearances, the impact that are producing the last legislative changes, like the directive of Energetic Efficiency; the most recent novelties in matter of renewable and alternative fuels or the environingingmental management. Without forgetting, likewise, the advances in biomass, marine power, geotermia, cogeneration and microcogeneración and wind power and minieólica.

The Living room is also the stage of Forum Generates, a program of talks and presentations in which it tackles of form detailed some of the proposals and solutions newer of the sector. In this edition, has 17 sessions delivered between the three days of Fair in which they tackle thematic so diverse like the autoconsumo, the future of the power in Europe or the energetic efficiency.

Bilateral meetings of technological cooperation

Genera houses the Days of Bilateral Meetings for the Transfer of Technology in Power and Environingingment, promoted by the General Steering of Universities and Investigation, through the Foundation Madrid+d. These days, that will celebrate the days 6 and 7 May, have like aim facilitate the exchange of information between potential technological partners, know the last novelties and affine or complementary technologies, initiate projects of cooperation and generate possible roads of business between the assistants. It treats , therefore, of an only opportunity for companies, technology centres and of R&D, universities and public servicys with interest in the development and application of new advances in this matter.

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Genera - IFEMA

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