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Sicre open his doors in Fair of the Madrid (Ifema) of the 7 to 10 May

The sector of the construction in Spain reorients his activity to the rehabilitation and the internationalisation

Editorial Interempresas05/05/2014

The brusque fall of new work reordena a market in which the reform of houses and buildings wins weight. The experts estimate that 4,5 million houses are susceptible to be rehabilitated. In 2013 they reformed in Spain more than 22.000 houses and 27.000 buildings, and 80% of the current market of materials of construction is tied to the field of the reform.

The sector of the construction in Spain is reorienting his activity to the efficient rehabilitation and the internationalisation, because of the paralización of new work in our country. The situation has reordenado a market in which the reform and rehabilitation of houses and buildings is winning much more weight of the that had up to now and has converted already in the only subsector upward. The park of houses in Spain is estimated in 26 millions, a fourth part has built in the last 10/12 years and the experts think that 4,5 million houses are susceptible to be rehabilitated.

Veteco 2012

Veteco 2012.

Conscious of the changes that are producing in the sector, the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, Sicre, bet by the new niches of business for the companies and will show the main keys and strategies to access to them. Like this, the internationalisation and the rehabilitation will be the big axles of an announcement organised by Ifema, of the 7 to 10 May, in the Fair of Madrid, and that integrate Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed; SCS, the new International Living room of Solutions for the Sustainable Construction, and Stone, the International Fair of the Natural Stone, this last like part of SCS.

In these moments, near of 80% of the current market of materials of construction already is tied to the field of the reform, according to the Observatory of Market of Materials of Construction and Equipment of Houses of Andimac, the National Association of Distributors of Ceramics and Materials of Construction.

It is necessary to take into account, as it indicates Rafael Sarasola, president of the Spanish Confederation of Associations of manufacturers of Products of Construction (Cepco), that “have lost 341.225 employments from 2008 in our industries (more than the half) and 9.000 companies, roughly 20%”.

A report of the Technological Institute of the Construction of Catalonia indicates that the edificación residential part of a conclusive descent in 2013 of 21% and accumulates an upper fall to 83% in the period 2007-2013. Like this, only they foresee between 50.000 and 55.000 houses in the horizon 2015-2016, a figure that the ITeC considers that “it keeps on being own of a market in critical state”.

But some fields related with the construction could begin to recover prompt thanks to the new niches of market. According to Andimac, after a year more than fall of global business in 2013, the sector of the materials of construction and equipment of house will change of tendency in 2014 and will have a light growth in 2015, thanks to the stability of the reform and to a lower fall of the construction of new house.

Expects that the families of materials for the bathroom, the kitchen and the heating/air conditioned/heaters will begin to grow from 2014 (0,8%) and will follow doing it in 2015 (3,0%); whereas the most dependent materials of the new house, like the cement or the ceramics suffices, knit and covers, will follow falling in 2014 (-0,8%) and will not begin to recover until the 2015 (2,2%).

New houses and rehabilitated

In 2013 rehabilitated or reformed in Spain more than 22.000 houses and 27.000 buildings, as it collects the last bulletin of the Spanish Confederation of Associations of manufacturers of Products of Construction (Cepco). Some figures that are even more significant if we take into account that during the past hardly initiated 33.000 new houses and finalised 65.000.

The Group of Work on Rehabilitation (GTR), a signpost of experts formed by companies, architects, lawyers, financial and the Foundation Conama, affirms that improve the rehabilitation could generate in Spain 150.000 direct employments between 2012 and 2050 for the integral rehabilitation -architectural and energetic- of 450.000 annual houses for this year, “more other tens of thousands of employments through the renewal of the no residential buildings”.

Stone 2012

Stone 2012.

To trial of Rafael Sarasola, the rehabilitation and the efficient construction generate employment and durable work. Although they exist differences in some statistics, could fix in 30 the number of stable employments and of quality that generate by each million of euros of investment in reform, rehabilitation of buildings and urban regeneration. The possible performance on 250.000 houses to the year, with an average of 15.000 by intervention, can suppose 135.000 direct employments. It speaks of figures of six million houses with more than 50 years.

A recent study of UGT referred strictly to Madrid aims that 40% of the 2,8 million houses of this region are in buildings that built between 1960 and 1979. And only in the capital there are 49.999 real estate of houses built before 1900 and other 214.248 edificados between 1900 and 1950.

The rehabilitation earns even more felt if we take into account that, according to a report of Tinsa, at the beginning of 2014 still existed in Spain a sobreoferta in the real-estate market with an excedente of 400.000 houses. The quality consultancy foresees an evolution of this horizon in 2016 to the 300.000 units, as long as the economic forecasts fulfil , until in 2017 this stock disappear definitively.

In this context, the rehabilitation and the reform are turning into new and important niches of activity and market for a big number of companies devoted to the construction in his different fields. So much the manufacturers of windows, like the producers and providers of different materials of construction, included the natural stone, are reorienting his strategies of business to a market of reform and rehabilitation that explains still with big potential of growth in our country.

According to Sergio Grau, president of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows (Asefave), the export and the rehabilitation of buildings is showing like the only subsector upward in these last times where the fall of the new work has been absolutely radical and rugged.


The internationalisation has turned into the another of the big axles of performance for the companies of our country related with the construction, that see in the new external markets and increasing niches of market for his products. Like this, for example, the manufacturers of products of construction exported, in the year 2013, materials by value of 19.655 million euros, 8,6% more than in 2012 and 15,2% more than in 2011. Some figures that represent 8,4% of the Spanish export and mark the record absolute of all the historical series.

Only the exports of the sector of flat ceramics have grown of form sustained during the three last years and suppose already more than 80% of the total sales of this industry. By his part, the exports azulejeras Spanish increased near of 8% in 2013, what situates to the sector with figures very next to the historical maximum registered in 2007. At present in this section, Spain is the first European producer and second world-wide exporter.

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Veteco - IFEMA

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