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Ifema (Madrid), of the 6 to 8 May

It generates 2014, the meeting point of the power and the environingingment

Editorial Interempresas24/04/2014

Organised by Ifema in collaboration with the Institute for the Diversification and the Saving of the Power (Idae), the International Fair of Power and Environingingment (Generates 2014), will celebrate between the days 6 to 8 May and will be the stage to give to know the main novelties in cogeneration and micro-cogeneration, thermal sensors solar, photovoltaic solar and termosolar, biomass, wind and mini wind, hydrogen and battery, geotermia, as well as the ones of companies of energetic services.


After the results obtained in his edition of 2013, celebrated in coincidence with Air conditioning, International Living room of Air Conditioned, Heating, Ventilation and refrigeration, Generate strengthens , once again, like the annual appointment of reference of the sector of the energies. A total of 348 companies and the visit of 20.014 professionals of 51 countries conformed one of the most dynamic stages and representative of this sector that advances to big speed and every year converts to the fair in a highly innovative shop window.

With Genera 2014, Ifema goes back to situate to the fair in a context of important synergies, thanks to the coincidence with the Week of the Construction, the event in which they integrate the living rooms Construtec, International Living room of the Construction; Stone, International Fair of the Natural Fair, and Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed. The aim is to reinforce the power of announcement of Genera with the one of these appointments of the world of the architecture and the construction, that keep a narrow and increasing relation with the energetic subjects in subjects such as the energetic rehabilitation, the bioclimatic architecture, and in general, the efficiency and sustainability applied to this activity.

Of this way, Generates opens for the companies new participants opportunities of business and professional contact in a frame favoured also by some normative measures of recent implantation.

As it already is usual, the offer of Genera will contemplate a wide perspective of the technological novelties, solutions and services related with the distinct energetic sources with the representation of the sectors of cogeneration and micro-cogeneration, thermal sensors solar, photovoltaic solar and termosolar, biomass, wind and mini wind, hydrogen and battery, geotermia, as well as the proposals of companies of energetic services.

From this point of view, the visit to Genera is especially recommended to professionals of consultancies, engineers, construction and trade; industrial users of power; manufacturers and distributors of equipment; installers and companies of maintenance; promoters of energetic projects; universities and centres of investigation; prescriptores and real-estate promoters; public servicys and in general, to all the professionals that interested in the subjects of energetic saving and environingingment.

Gallery of Innovation

Genera has summoned the seventh edition of the Gallery of Innovation, whose aim is to award a special leadership and recognition to the development, the investigation and the innovation in the sector of the renewable energies and the energetic efficiency. A jury, formed by recognised professionals of the sector, will select the proposals more vanguardistas once finalise the term of participation, the next day 6 February. Of this form, a year more Generates will recognise the work of public organisations and deprived by the promotion of the responsible and effective use of the available power.

Shop window of innovation, efficiency and sustainability

The Agency Extremeña of the Power (Agenex), whose purpose is to boost the diversification, the energetic saving and the advance of renewable energies, has resulted selected to participate in the Gallery of Innovation of Genera 2014, where will present Biotool, a simulator that offers the dimensionado and economic study of thermal sensors installations of biomass. This technological application pretends to offer a systematic process, simple and agile that reinforce the technical decisions of installers and proyectistas of boilers of biomass, avoiding the bad practices been due to the peculiarities of this technology and to the differences with the conventional installations.

Although it conceives like a free tool with titularity of the Agency Extremeña of the Power, is especially designed to be of utility to companies and professionals of the sector of the biopower. Besides, it pretends to generalise the use of the biomass, improve the employment in this field and facilitate the procedure of legalisation of the installations.

Beside Biotool, a jury formed by recognised professionals of the sector has distinguished other 16 projects that stand out by a high degree of innovation in matter of energetic efficiency, his commitment with the environingingment and his contribution to the sector of the renewable energies.

Technical days

Generates 2014 will be frame of celebration of an interesting program of technical days, of scientific divulging, as I complement to the commercial offer of the living room. The conferences, that will be given by experts and companies leaders of the sector, will present like an only platform for the analysis and the debate around the energetic actuality, the environingingmental management, the peak of the renewable and the efficiency in the sector.

Between others, the program will receive days with subjects like Management and energetic Valorisation of Slimes of EDARs, and Energetic Treatments of Waste, organised by Ategrus; participation of the special diet in markets of adjust, to charge of REE; new rule of cogeneration, of the hand of Take and Receive; energetic services —Anese—; fuels and alternative energies for the transport, organised by AeH2; strategic plan of energetic rehabilitation of existent buildings – AMI; Ministry responsible for public works, CNC and Unesa-; management of the lighted up municipal -AMI and Idae-; Situation of the transposition of the directive of energetic efficiency – Adhac, AMI and To3and-; photovoltaic technology like vector of development, and PV Industry perspective from an international market leader, both organised by Unef; Impact and Perspectives of Evolution of the thermal sensors sensors Solar Sector in the New CTE, to charge of ASIT; analysis of the R.D. 235/2013 of the Energetic Certification of Buildings, organised by To3and and GBC-Green Building Council; Renewable Energies in the Buildings of Consumption of Power almost Invalid —Atecyr and To3and—; proposal of European directive of deployment of infrastructure on alternative fuel, to charge of AeH2 and PTE HPC; the innovation like key element in the competitiveness of the wind industry, to charge of AEE; the paper of the termosolar in the future stage of increase of penetration of the renewable —Ciemat and Protermosolar-; the day of the OECC, and subjects related with networks of biomass —Adhac—.


Bilateral meetings for the Transfer of Technology in Power and Environingingment

By eighth consecutive year, Generates will receive the Days of Bilateral Meetings for the Transfer of Technology in Power and Environingingment. These days, that will take place the days 6 and 7 May in the frame of the Fair, have turned into an indispensable appointment for companies, technology centres and of R&D, universities and public servicys with interest in the development and application of new advances in this matter.

Promoted by the General Steering of Universities and Investigation, through the Foundation Madrid+d, the meetings have like aim facilitate the exchange of information between potential technological partners, know the last novelties and affine or complementary technologies, initiate projects of cooperation and generate possible roads of business between the assistants.

This initiative supports in the program of work of the Network Enterprise Europe Network, formed by 600 organisations that offer territorial coverage in more than 47 countries, approaching to the companies services of advice and support to the technology transfer, like road to increase his international competitiveness.

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Genera - IFEMA

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