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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Maquiobras celebra su 30 aniversario al servicio de la construcción
The company is immersed in an intense process of internationalisation

Maquiobras Celebrates his 30 anniversary to the service of the construction

David Muñoz14/04/2014

Ran the year 1984 when Félix Ferruz decided to take advantage of his long experience in the world of the construction founding in Saragossa Maquiobras, a skilled company in the manufacture and commercialisation of systems of formwork and auxiliary machinery for the construction. Thirty years afterwards and after having contributed to the edificación of numerous and notable projects in our country, this company erige like one of the big references in the world of the formwork, with an increasingly stood out presence in the international market. Javier Ferruz, son of the founder and current manager of the company, reviews in this article the evolution gone on down Maquiobras in these three decades and describes us some of his last initiatives.

The history of Maquiobras initiates in 1984. “My father had previously another company, that closed in 1982, and after two years involved in another project, in 1984 took the decision to create his own company like manufacturer of formwork and other materials for the construction, especially pallet trucks hydraulics, platforms of download and elevators of façade”, signals Javier Ferruz, manager of Maquiobras.

Javier Ferruz, manager of Maquiobras
Javier Ferruz, manager of Maquiobras.

Although all the starts are complicated, in the case of Maquiobras the one who many of the ancient customers of the founder Félix Ferruz, showed him a big fidelity, trusting his new project, facilitated a lot the start of the company and his first years of work. The company was growing progressively, in accordance with the evolution that was still in Spain the real-estate market, until in 1992 saw affected by the economic crisis general that trapped to all the country.

Maquiobras Saw forced to adjust his size to the new situation of the market but soon recovered the senda of the growth, until the point to be able to say that from 1993 until 2007 his expansion was constant and progressive.

In the year 2000 undertakes an ambitious program of investments that has his maximum plasmación in the opening, three years afterwards, of some new and modern installations in Villanueva of Gállego (Saragossa), closely of 20.000 m2 of surface, which no only allows them triplicar his productive capacity but also win in space of storage. It instruments the new factory with the equipment of production more modern and, like proof of his bet by the quality, certifies his process of production with the ISO 9001-2000.

“The new installations also allowed us diversify our fields of work. Until then, practically 100% of our activity was headed to the edificación and with the apparition of new products in our range also could go in in other fields like the public work: bridges, minipresas hidroelécticas, etc.”, indicates Javier Ferruz.

As to the big majority of the companies linked to the sector of the construction, finals of 2007 and principles of 2008 marked the start of a new stage in the path of Maquiobras, with a loss of weight in the turnover of the sales in the national market and an increase of the importance of the export. Of such form that to day of today, as it confirms his manager, 80% of the income proceed of the sales to the outside and of the remaining 20% many are sales to national distributors that afterwards give gone out to these equipment in other countries.

“Fortunately initiate the exit to the outside before even of the irruption of the crisis, being conscious that the real-estate bubble, later or earlier, would finish for puncturing . Well it is true that never arrive to imagine that it went to be a fall of market so deep and so dilated in the time”, recognises Javier Ferruz.

Maquiobras Initiated the road of the internationalisation by the nearest countries geographically, especially Portugal, Morocco and Algeria, and has gone expanding his presence to other parts of the world like Latin America (in Cuba has enjoyed traditionally of a strong implantation), India or Saudi Arabia, between others. In this sense has an important network of distributors delivered by different parts of the world and there where does not have collaborators works directly, giving a support to the direct and near customer.

Visits of the authorities, with the president of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, in command, to the stand of Maquiobras in Smopyc 2014...

Visits of the authorities, with the president of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, in command, to the stand of Maquiobras in Smopyc 2014.

For the development of special projects, Maquiobras also has his own department of engineering, with professionals qualified to do reality the ideas of the customers.

Singular works

In these thirty years of life have been a lot of and miscellaneous the projects in whose development have participated the products of Maquiobras. His manager remembers three of them with special affection. The most move# away in the time, the development of the pillars and the forged of a big shopping centre in Saragossa, situated at present beside the Station of Delights. Nearer in the time is the work of the new terminal of the Airport of The Prat of Barcelona, whose round pillars were realizar with the systems of formwork of Maquiobras. And the most recent of the three is a work realizar in Mauritania, where have employed several solutions of this company, some of them custom-made, to manufacture several silos giant in a factory of cereals. This last project had a high technical complexity, that comport even the need to displace to the country to two encofradores to be able to execute it.

But the balance of this last work has been very positive, until the point that Maquiobras is optimistic with regard to the possibility to follow working with the same customer mauritano in two of his next projects: a shopping centre and a block of buildings.

“By our experience in the outside, can say that the ‘Mark Spain' is very recognised. We have showed to be serious people that do what say. No tergiversamos”, ensures Javier Ferruz.

Some of the products presented by Maquiobras in Smopyc 2014

Some of the products presented by Maquiobras in Smopyc 2014.

Of face to the most immediate future, Maquiobras has put a lot of hopes in a product that has presented for the first time to the big public in this edition of Smopyc. It treats of a formwork manuportable very economic, especially allocated to the construction of social house. When being reusable and modulate, allows the construction of blocks of houses of form very fast and simple. The company constructor mounts the structures of agreement to a design predefinido, throws the concrete and when it already is dry, disassembles the formworks to be able to realizar the following house with the same design. “We think that it is a solution that goes to have a big acceptance in countries where the social house is in peak”, concludes Javier Ferruz.

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