
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Éxito de convocatoria de la jornada organizada por Anapat en Smopyc 2014
The meeting gathers to near of a hundred of professionals

Success of announcement of the day organised by Anapat in Smopyc 2014

David Muñoz14/04/2014

The day ‘Obligations of the alquilador for the safe use of the platforms mobile elevador of personal', organised by the National Association of Rentals of Aerial Platforms of Work (Anapat), in the frame of the fair Smopyc 2014, saldó with a rotundo success of assistance. The subject chosen for this day aroused, definitely, a big interest between the professional public, that filled the meeting room of Fair of Saragossa chosen for this meeting. Experts in matter of learning and hygiene like Marcos Moure, technical director of Sigma hygiene and Health, and Rafael Martínez, general deputy director of Inspection of Work and Social hygiene, analysed some of the keys to guarantee a safe use of the platforms elevador and put in value initiatives like the delivery, with the machines, of the Manual of Instructions of hygiene and Handle, edited by the own Association. Interempresas Had the pleasure to present and moderate this day.

David Cagigas, president of Anapat from the past month of January, went the attendant to open the day with a speech of welcome, in which resaltó the important work that comes realizar this Association from his constitution 20 years ago, in the improvement of the level of professionalism of the activity of the rent of platforms mobile elevador of personal (PEMP) and in the promotion of these equipment like half of access in height sure, reliable and profitable. David Cagigas showed his full disposal to be followed working, at the head of the association, in the advance of these aims, with the conviction that “the worst of the crisis already has happened and the best is for coming.”

Of left to right...

Of left to right: David Muñoz, editor boss of Interempresas Madrid, David Cagigas, president of Anapat, Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat, Rafael Martínez, general deputy director of Inspection of Work and Social hygiene, and Marcos Moure, technical director of Sigma hygiene and Health.

To continuation, Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat, realizar an introduction to the day, resumiendo some of the basic and necessary concepts to do a safe use of the platforms. Along his intervention defined what understands by ‘obligations', the importance of the concept of ‘professionalism' to the hour to use a machine, why the rent of PEMP can not be considered like outsourcing and general normative appearances as, among others, the Statement CE of compliance, the norm JOINS 58921 or the Law of Prevention of Labour Risks, where collects the obligation of the company to form and inform to the worker.

Marcos Moure, technical director of the company Sigma hygiene and Health, and instructor of Anapat according to the norm JOINS-58923, developed next ‘the paper of the alquilador in the learning of operators of PEMP', centring his exhibition in subjects that aroused a big interest between the assistants, like the requirements of the operator of platform, the fortresses and weaknesses of the different entities that can give the learning, the fundamental criteria to be able to give a learning of quality, the values that can boost the credibility of the formador or the roads that exist at present to ‘form' to the own formadores.

The aim of the learning, as it ensured Marcos Moure, is to create competent “workers” for the tasks that are him assigned, being this learning an indispensable tool to reach this level of competitiveness in matter of knowledge, skills and taking of consciousness (attitude). This competent learning has to derive finally in a ‘familiarización' of the professional with the handle of the machine, an appearance in which the alquilador has a lot of livestock regarding other entities that can give learning (skilled Companies and Services of Extraneous Prevention), when can deliver to the customer the platform in the own work.

Publish assistant to the day organised by Anapat

Publish assistant to the day organised by Anapat.

The day organised by Anapat also had the presence of Rafael Martínez Tables, general deputy director for the coordination in matter of labour relations, prevention of risks and measures of equality of the General Steering of Inspection of Work and Social hygiene, the one who analysed, from his experience of more than 20 years in this field, the keys to develop the works with hygiene and quality.

Splitting of the base, as he same recognised, that the rule of prevention is very complex to interpret, his general recommendation is that the alquilador has to move always to the user, of the best possible form, all the information of which have. “What more knowledge contribute to the user of a machine, calmer will be able to be to the hour to know how goes to act the Administration in front of an accident”, signalled.

Therefore, according to his own words, the formador has to go to “positions of excellence, contributing the maximum quality in his learning”, leaving always documentary trace of all the actions that realizar in this field so that they serve of proof in front of a possible incidence.

The Administration, conscious that the main cause of siniestralidad labour in Spain is, year after year, the falls in height, has developed a new strategy for the period 2014-2020 that happens no only for controlling, but also for investigating, improving all the tools of investigation that has to his disposal.

The day closed with a debate between the assistants, of the that went out ideas stood out as, for example, that the ‘Manual of Instructions of hygiene and Handle' edited by Anapat is a complement perfect in the mentioned aim to give the greater possible information to the user of a platform, so that it do a safe use, responsible and efficient of the machinery.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Nacional de Alquiladores de Plataformas Aéreas de Trabajo
Interempresas Media, S.L.U.

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