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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a David Cagigas Gavira, presidente de Anapat
“The main challenge of our sector is to recover the stray prestige”

Interview to David Cagigas Gavira, president of Anapat

David Muñoz27/02/2014

The past month of November, the National Association of Rentals of Platforms Areas of Work (Anapat) fulfilled 20 years from his foundation, two decades devoted to look after the interests of this sector that has been key in the improvement of the hygiene in the works in height. At the head of this Association finds from January of this year, David Cagigas Gavira, to the one who have had the opportunity to interview to know his vision of the situation that crosses the market and the main challenges that have to face at present the companies that give him life.

Which challenges marks like new president of Anapat?

Have been some years out of the Spanish market for hire of PEMP, by what firstly have to inform me well of the activity and aims of Anapat. From here I will have a strategy of continuity and of improvement in the possible. Anapat Is an association with twenty years of antiquity in which the work realizar, with the participation of all the members, has to respect.

David Cagigas Gavira, president of Anapat
David Cagigas Gavira, president of Anapat.

Personally, what supposes for Unit this new professional challenge?

Taking into account the prestige and the good do of Anapat, for me is a big responsibility assume the charge of president, but at the same time a big illusion because from the Association can achieve a lot of attainments for the sector.

By the long experience that has Unit in the world of the platforms and throwing the sight backwards, what has supposed the work of this Association for the sector of the rent of platforms in Spain?

The rent of PEMP is an activity with a big specialisation and Anapat has created a bottom of knowledge very important for profesionalizarla, has worked a lot for the hygiene of the operators and has been link of union between the distinct agents that take part in our activity.

With which is falling, Anapat follows incorporating new associated and sponsors, as it went back to remain of self-evident in the last Convention. To what attributes it?

As I have said previously, the work realizar by Anapat is very very valued by the companies of the sector and although some, by the crisis, have had to close and have caused drop, however others have gone incorporating, what has allowed to keep the same number of companies from the 2008, in which it reached the maximum. It is more, this month will surpass this figure, arriving already to the 54 associated.

In general terms, which would define Unit like the main challenges that has to assume today the Spanish market for hire of platforms?

The main challenge of our sector is to recover the stray prestige. The rent of PEMP is a complex service that requires of some procedures that guarantee the reliability to our customers and the hygiene to the operators. The excessive descent of prices that has caused the crisis has brought like consequence a minusvaloración of the service by part of our customers that has to be corrected. From Anapat can work in this line.

Many of the problems that affect to the sector have attributed traditionally to a sobreoferta of machine, to a desfase between offer and demand. Well it is true that during the last years have gone out a lot of equipment to the outside. Think that it has arrived already to the expected balance?

Can be that still sobren some machines, especially of some families, whereas of others can that they begin to be missing. It is necessary to take into account that of the machines censadas in Anapat has produced a descent of more than 23.000 PEMP. I think that at present it is more important to readjust the parks by models.

“At present it is more important to readjust the parks by models”

For a lot of companies, of different sectors, the salvation in these moments goes through two roads: the diversification and/or the internationalisation. With regard to the first, is attaining reduce the dependency of the PEMP of the construction?

Already does quite time that a lot of companies of the sector diversified and did not have direct dependency of the construction and of the public work. If it would not be unthinkable that the rentals of PEMP have been able to surpass these six years of constant descents of volume of occupation under construction.

And going on down the same line… grows the use of the platforms in determinate works to the detriment of methods of access more conventional: ladders, ropes, andamios…?

The PEMP is, without place to doubts, the most agile method, fast, reliable and sure to realizar the greater part of the works in height. This is not óbice that it was not the best system for some of them, but the future of the use of the PEMP is brilliant.

It considers that the Administration and the private companies are already fully conscious of the advantages that contribute the PEMP in matter of hygiene? There is still a lot of work for doing in this sense? Where there is still potential of growth for these machines?

Although the statistics that has the Administration do not allow to discriminate clearly which accidents of works in height correspond to the different methods, yes can say that from the Association the data that have is that the accidents produced working with PEMP fortunately are scarce and taking into account that in Spain each day there is working more than 15.000 PEMP rented, the indexes of siniestralidad are ínfimos. If to this add the effort that from Anapat and other institutions is doing for the learning to the operators of his use and handle, is to expect that still there is less accidents. Besides, the PEMP are safe machines that include a marked CE in his put in service and that are supported by arrangement to the norm JOINS 58921 IN, that guarantees his hygiene along his useful life.

It considers that the mentioned diversification (the research of new businesses) can go against of the specialisation that have looked for some companies when giving exclusively service for hire of PEMP? It is more, it keeps on being feasible the road of the specialisation in PEMP?

Already there are some skilled companies in the rent of PEMP, that as I said at the beginning of the interview, is a service that requires a big specialisation. In fact, Anapat is a skilled association in companies that offer it, well in scoop, or jointly with others.

I understand that the diversification also can come of the field to expand the wallet of services. In this sense, the initiative of Anapat to facilitate to his associated be ‘entities formadoras' opens them new lines of business, is not like this?

Of course, the alquilador of PEMP has to give a fan of complete services in relation to the utilisation of the platforms, and offer learning to the customers is without place to doubts a good opportunity to close the circle.

Regarding the internationalisation, how would value Unit the exit to the outside that have undertaken some companies alquiladoras?

The internationalisation is very complex and although some rentals are trying it, still are minority. But I consider very positive the research and opening of new markets by part of Spanish companies for like this export our know how and avoid repeat errors already committed.

“The PEMP is, without place to doubts, the most agile method, fast, reliable and sure to realizar the greater part of the works in height”

And which are the main barriers for these processes of internationalisation?

The main barriers are the officials and cultural, each country is different regarding legislation and to his habits.

Photo of group with the winners of the I Prizes Anapat to the Innovation and Promotion of the use of the PEMP, delivered the past month of May...
Photo of group with the winners of the I Prizes Anapat to the Innovation and Promotion of the use of the PEMP, delivered the past month of May.

In his opinion, how it would have to do this exit to new markets (by means of partners local, creating own structure, moving machinery of a country to another, buying in the country of new destination units, by means of joint ventures with other Spanish companies…)?

Is used to to be better look for agreements of collaboration with native employers, although sometimes go of the hand of a Spanish company that have to realizar a big project can help to give the jump.

Which regions of the world offer today better opportunities for the Spanish companies for hire of PEMP?

If we take into account the movements of our companies associated, would say that Morocco, Arab Emirates, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

Finally, how it expects that it was the 2014 for the sector of the rent of platforms and for the economy in general?

Expect that for real it produce the turning point of the economy, increase the investments and of once flow the credit.

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