
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Con los parámetros retributivos anunciados, la Cogeneración desaparece con graves consecuencias para la industria asociada

With the parameters retributivos announced, the Cogeneration disappears with grave consequences for the industry associated


7 February 2014

The Law 24/2013 of the electrical sector supposed a hopeful signal for the cogeneration that dragged a year 2013 with cuts in the reward by more than 650 million euros -22% of all his income –, what had carried to stop already 20% of the plants.

The methodology announced now for the reward is a new blow that no adecua at all neither to the operation neither to the situation of the industries that use cogeneration (feeding, chemical, papelera, textile, ceramic, etc) to manufacture his products.

In the first place, the parameters retributivos posed in the Order do not reflect all the technologies of the industries cogeneradoras (cycles combined, trigeneraciones, multicombustibles, etc.), and neither consider the reality of hours of operation of the industries, more than half of continuous process, that operate some 8.500 hours to the year and to which now pretends limit the operation to 6.000 hours. And occur the same with those that operate to 3 turns stopping by the nights in time discrimination.

The Law, the proposal of decree and the order of developments establish clear and tajantemente that will cover all the costs of operation of the plants that use fuels, as well as his costs by energetic taxles CO2, maintenance, etc. However, are cientos the companies that already have realizar his calculations in function of the new parameters and that are communicating to Receive that the numbers are not very done and that do not cover the costs.


José Manuel Hills, president of Receive
José Manuel Hills, president of Receive.

The complex methodology employed -805 models retributivos of application to some 970 plants of cogeneration- is hampering the calculation of the economic impact in the cogeneration, an impact that comes to add to the already suffered in the past year 2013. And all this sucede when the expectations signalled that it would restore a frame that allowed to the unemployed industries –that already supposes 20% of the plants of the sector- return to his operation with a reasonable profitability.

With cogeneration manufactures 20% of our industrial GDP Spain, and besides 50% of the products manufactured with power from cogeneration export . The industries linked add 200.000 direct employments. The impact of these cuts on the competitiveness of the industries, his capacity of export and his employment to confirm the figures that indicate these parameters retributivos can do useless all the efforts of economic recovery realizar by the companies up to now and sumir to the country in this recently inaugurated 2014 in a negative GDP and in the more rotunda recession.

With cogeneration produces 12% of the electricity of the country, using 25% of the consummate gas and consume 20% of the electricity of the industry manufacturera in Spain. They are intensive industries energetically that need cogeneration to be more efficient and save power. The cogeneration is the tool for paliar the high energetic prices of Spain in relation to his European competitors.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Cogeneración

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