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The next 5 June 2014, Spain confronts to the fulfillment of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency of the 2012 and to his transposition

Reasons and strategies to bet by the energetic rehabilitation of buildings

Editorial Interempresas13/01/2014

The Group of Work of Rehabilitation (GTR) presented recently his third report from the constitution of the group, Report 2014 ‘Strategy for the Rehabilitation. Keys to transform the sector of the edificación in Spain'.

Building in process of rehabilitation

Building in process of rehabilitation.

As it informs The Foundation The House that Saves, the GTR is a group of reference that has bet for facilitating a series of keys and analyse the mechanisms that make possible to transform in a strategy on a long-term basis the existent buildings in elements energetically more efficient and in places more habitables, looking for for this the implication of multiple agents and a variety of mechanisms for his financials. Spain confronts to the fulfillment of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency of the 2012 and to his transposition, in the greater part of measures that contemplates, the next 5 June 2014.

The possibility to generate 150.000 direct employments stable rehabilitating 10 million houses of here to 2050, requires, according to the GTR, of important changes in the legislative frame, financial and organisational. This analysis constitutes the fundamental axis of his third report of the that The Foundation The House quw Saves has wanted to extract so much the main reasons by which has to bet by the integral rehabilitation of our buildings like the mechanisms that consider fundamental to attain it.

Reasons to rehabilitate the park edificado of our country:

• Reduction of the energetic dependency: The consumption of primary power in Spain is of 129 million tep (equivalent tonnes of oil) which translates in some 60.000 euros of cost of the imports, figure that represents 6% of the GDP of Spain. To reduce the enormous energetic dependency seems reasonable to treat to reduce the energetic consumption of our buildings, that represents roughly a third of the consumption of power of the country.

• The strategy proposed by the GTR projects a saving of 1.800 ktep for 2020, what would suppose to reach 45% of the aim of energetic efficiency general of the country for 2020, only with the sector of the rehabilitation of buildings.

• The deep energetic rehabilitations, that contain passive measures, are designed to last decades by what the improvements will be effective to very long term.

• Spain has to establish a strategy for paliar and eradicate the energetic poverty as well as to improve the conditions of accessibility of the people, especially of the social classes more vulnerable like the people of advanced age. To attain these aims, the investment in energetic efficiency and the integral rehabilitation will be fundamental pillars.

Mechanisms to reach the aims of the Strategy posed by the GTR:

• Has to create a Leaf of Route with aims on a long-term basis that it contain the strategy to be followed with the park edificado Spanish, establishing aims so much for the residential sector, the tertiary (that it represents 35% of the consumption of power of the sector of the edificación) as for the public buildings (paper ejemplarizante).

Crane that works in the rehabilitation of real estate

Crane that works in the rehabilitation of real estate.

• Is necessary to involve in the strategy of action to all the agents, especially to the supplying companies of power. For this, his interests have to be entirely ranged with the ones of the sector of the rehabilitation and his functions and responsibilities have to be very clear-cut. The article 7 of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency urges to the States members to implement a system of obligations of energetic efficiency to the companies distributors and to the available retail companies of power that force them to save annually the equivalent power to 1,5% of his sales, from 2014 to 2020. This supposes that the energetic companies are one of the investors in energetic efficiency of the sector of the edificación by means of systems like the ‘white certificates' or other similar measures that already are under way in some countries of the EU like United Kingdom, France or Italy.

• Is necessary to establish mechanisms of financials that allow to pay the cost of the rehabilitation in long term of time (20 years) and to low types of interest (5%), incorporating to the receipt of the power with the end that the amount of the loan (to the equal that the saving) recaiga on the user of the building or house, that no necessarily will be always the owner, and with the purpose that the financial entity minimise the financial risk of said loan.

• Considers necessary have an Agency for the Renewal like key element for the development of the Plan of Action or leaf of route designed. This agency would have to work like a ‘only window' of face to inform to the owners of the buildings on the legislation of the different administrations, the compatibility of helps, the tax incentives or the mechanisms of existent financials, among others.

• Has to create a Bottom for the Energetic Efficiency where raise funds of diverse sources, so much public like private, and work in parallel with all the agents (networks of retail distribution, energetic companies, specialists of the sector, owners of buildings, banks). This proposal is in accordance with the article 20 of the Directive of Energetic Efficiency that forces to the States members to use multiple sources of financials to facilitate measures of energetic efficiency.

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