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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fundació Pimec y Obra Social ‘la Caixa’ renuevan el programa ‘Incorpora’ entre las empresas

Fundació Pimec And Social Work ‘the Caixa' renew the program ‘Incorporates' between the companies


15 January 2014

Fundació Pimec and Orbra Social ‘the Caixa' renew the collaboration to achieve that the companies use the program Incorporates like tool of Business Social Responsibility (RSE). The foundations have signed an agreement to continue the innovative project initiated during the past exercise 2012-13, that consists in spreading and implant the program in the industrial polygons of Catalonia.

Of left to right...

Of left to right: Joaquim Llimona, president of the Fundació Pimec, Jaume Lanaspa, general director of the Fundació 'La Caixa' and Josep González, president of Pimec.

From this agreement will continue doing diffusion of the program Incorporates in the industrial polygons of the Catalan territory, with the aim to move his lines of work, that centre in the integration sociolaboral of communities in risk of social exclusion. The commitment that has established for 2014 is to coordinate and expand the actions of implementation of the program Incorporates in the industrial polygons of the four Catalan provinces and establish a new road of innovation and collaboration go in Incorporate and the program of help to the employer.

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