
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La cogeneración reclama un plan de futuro que garantice la competitividad de la industria manufacturera nacional
From the 2007, Spain has lost 28% of his industrial production and has sent to the unemployment to more than 900.000 employees of the sector of the industry

The cogeneration demands a plan of future that guarantee the competitiveness of the industry manufacturera national

Ruth Roig Rocher26/11/2013

Receive has celebrated his Annual Assembly 2013 in the Casino of Madrid with the purpose to do a balance of the year of the cogeneration and the perspectives of the 2014, trusting that the new frame regulatorio restore this certidumbre and allow the survival to a key activity for the real economy, his efficiency, energetic competitiveness, exports and industrial employment associated. More than 1.000 exporting companies that produce 20% of the industrial GDP suffer a situation of total uncertainty that can carry them to lose his exporting capacity. The cogeneration keeps on being a tool that contributes to the aseguramiento of the energetic competitiveness of the industry manufacturera Spanish, and from a situation of own risk and of his industry associated, the cogeneration demands a plan of future that suppose certidumbre to the activity.

Casino of Madrid, main façade in where they Receive celebrated his Asambla Annual 2013

Casino of Madrid, main façade in where they Receive celebrated his Asambla Annual 2013.

The Spanish Association of Cogeneration, Receive, has celebrated his Annual Assembly, in which his president, José Manuel Hills, affirmed that “it can not ignore to the industry in the energetic politics, because of the energetic costs depends big part of the competitiveness of a thousand of Spanish industries that manufacture his products with cogeneration, industries manufactureras that export, generate wealth and sustain employment, to which it is necessary to take into account to the hour to develop the electrical reform. The industry is the real economy”.

Some of the companies cogeneradoras

Some of the companies cogeneradoras.

20 companies have offered his mark to visualise the cogeneration in an unprecedented campaign that has reached to more than 300.000 readers. Companies that represent a selection of the different sectors of activity cogeneradores, companies referents inside the market to the that belong that they invest and export, as it is the case of ‘The Pozo', ‘Cepsa', ‘Central Lechera Asturian', ‘Porcelanosa', ‘Seat', etc. These industries invested in cogeneration to be competitive in energetic costs. The activity of a cogenerador is only manufacture an industrial product being competitive. The current situation of the cogeneration and his industry in Spain is to the limit and underneath of his level of subsistence.

Without the industry there is not growth neither employment

Hills commands him a message with firmness to the minister of industry, José Manuel Soria: “without the industry is not possible that there is growth neither employment, what supposes an impossible economic recovery. In Spain there is not an energetic industrial politics, each one fixes as it can”, continued his speech declaring that “from 2007 there was a fall of the product of the consumption; they have removed us 700 million annual euros of cuts that equivalen to 50% of the Ebidta of all his industries”, concluded his intervention with total worry:”the industry is at stake and with her the export, the employment, the consumption, the survival and the revival of the Spanish real economy”.

A moment of the Assembly

A moment of the Assembly.

By his part the general director, Javier Rodríguez, reiterated this idea signalling that “they Receive trusts that the developments of the Reform restore the future of the cogeneration and attain give the turn to the situation limit in which they are a lot of industries of strategic sectors”.

For Rodríguez, “is prioritario situate to the industry in the centre of the politics of recovery of the economy and for this it is necessary to have the cogeneration like key tool of competitiveness, a tool to which has put in risk, without taking into account the catastrophic consequences for industries manufactureras that suppose more than 20% of the industrial GDP Spanish”. It coincides to the equal that Hills in that “without industry there is not growth, neither employment” and in that “from the year 2007 the industry has seen to fall 25% of his production, being the one who more has fallen in the European Union”. It affirms that “with the cogeneration produces 20% of the industrial GDP, although the current situation of the cogeneration is to the limit because it has not grown in the last 15 years”.

Sure enough the companies that cogeneran are an essential part of the industrial fabric Spanish. The industries manufactureras that cogeneran keep more than 200.000 direct employments, in sectors such as the industry of feeding and drunk, the chemicals, the paper, the ceramics, refining, car… At present the cogeneration is a key tool of competitiveness in 1.000 industrial installations. In these industries that cogeneran the energetic costs are vital for the competitiveness and capacity of export and with this, for the maintenance of the production and the employment.

José Manuel Hills, president of Receive
José Manuel Hills, president of Receive.
Javier Rodríguez, general director of Receive
Javier Rodríguez, general director of Receive.

Collaboration with the Ministry

The president, José Manuel Hills, reiterated in front of the general director of Energetic Politics, Jaime Suárez, that inaugurated the act, the total disposal of Receive to collaborate with the Government in the consolidation of “an energetic model to the service of the industry that clarifique the future of the cogeneration with a stable and reasonable rule, in accordance with the peculiarities of this form to generate efficient power”. Jaime Suarez by his part, said that “from the Ministry goes to be followed supporting to the industry in spite of the delicate moment”.

Annual assembly of Receive

Annual assembly of Receive.

Competitive power for the industry

The different interventions in the Assembly coincided in that the industrial state has to play a key paper in the recovery of the economy and of the employment, but the condition for this is to improve the competitiveness of the productive factors. The cogeneration has loaned a vital historical service and balanced to the Spanish industry in the aseguramiento of his energetic competitiveness, a contribution that today finds in risk, like the own industry, and that demands a plan of future. The cogeneration elevates the competitiveness of his companies associated what allows them export and keep his levels of production. It is evident the bad situation of the national industry that in the last five years has lost 28% of industrial production and more than 900.000 industrial employments, therefore urge go back the look to the industry and take advantage of the tools that contribute competitiveness.

The future of the cogeneration in Spain requires that this recognise like tool of competitiveness that works and is legitimate. The paper of the cogeneration and his contribution to the energetic systems, to the industry, to the economic activity and to the employment, fits in any model whose aim was to provide a greater energetic efficiency to the country and a legitimate greater competitiveness to his industry. A lot of industries invested in cogeneration to be competitive in energetic costs, that is the only aim of the cogeneration, that to his time requires to invest in the best available technologies, advanced and mature technologies, that save power and broadcasts, contribute guarantee of power and generation distributed, and involves besides operate them and manage the installations through a greater expertización in the operations, the markets and energetic vectors.

The interior of the Casino

The interior of the Casino.

Situation limit of the activity of the cogeneration and of the industries that promote it

The activity of the cogeneration in Spain is to the limit and underneath of the level of subsistence. The growth of the cogeneration is invalid from 15 years ago. In spite of this and to be distant 30% of the marked official aim, imposed him a moratorium to the renewal of installations of January of 2012, loaded him with new energetic taxles and of the CO2 in January 2013, deleted him the complementos that recognised his efficiency and contribution of reactive to the networks from July of 2013. These penalties have sumido to the cogeneration in a situation of asphyxia and paralización progressive, dragging grave consequences in the industries associated.

From the moratorium of January of 2012 until past August, the power of cogeneration with definite registration in the register (date CNE) went down in more than 205 MW. In the same period, the wind power went up in 1.752 MW, the termosolar grew 1.001 MW and the photovoltaic heaved in 460 MW.

Of January to past June (data CNE) 20% of the plants of cogeneration (700 MW, 12% of the power of the sector) have paralysed his production. And from July, the production in cogeneration (data REE) has collapsed with regard to the previous year, registering 14% less in August, 10% less in September and until 12% less in October.

All this is resulted to apply to the cogeneradores a reduction in his reward of some 700 M€/annual, this is a cut average of 22%, to the that adds another descent of 17% additional in plants of more than 15 years. These cuts do directly to the competitiveness of the national industry. With the coyuntura current, the 700 M€ of cuts to the cogeneration are equivalent in economic terms to 50% of the Ebidta of all his industries associated. Taxles and cuts that tax 50% of the economic result of one thousand key industries and that it can have effects devastadores. Incidentally to this very grave situation, adds him from July that the electrical turnover realizar “to account”, ending in a dangerous situation for the companies that produce and export in total uncertainty on his energetic costs.

Public assistant to the Annual Assembly of Receive 2013
Public assistant to the Annual Assembly of Receive 2013.

Balance 2013 of the cogeneration in Spain

The cogeneration generates 12% of the national demand of electricity and uses 25% of the total consumption of natural gas (40% of all the consumption of industrial gas). In Spain exist 999 cogenerations linked to industries -that suppose a GDP of 25.000 millions €/year (20% of the industrial GDP)-, in sectors like feeding and drunk, chemical, papeleras, pharmaceutical, azulejeras, car, petrochemical, textile and other industries manufactureras.

The installed power reaches the 6.033 MW, without significant growth in the last ten years and with a cessation of 200 MW from January of 2012. The planned production for the closing of exercise is of 32,4 TWh, with an annual decrease of the electricity produced of 5,5%, although from July is collapsing to a rhythm of 12% given the inviabilidad economic and the uncertainty after the last reforms. They receive wait that the new frame regulatorio and economic that the Government has planned promulgar before end of year allow the survival and recognition of a key activity for the country, his economic activity, his efficiency and energetic competitiveness and his exports and industrial employment associated.


Balance of cogeneration 2013
Balance of cogeneration 2013.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Cogeneración

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