
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genera Latinoamérica: éxito para el sector español de las renovables y la eficiencia energética

It generates Latin America: success for the Spanish sector of the renewable and the energetic efficiency


14 November 2013

The past 18 October clausuró in Space Riesco of Santiago of Chile, Genera Latin America, the second project organised by Ifema and Fisa, like result of the alliance between both operators feriales for the development of professional fairs of economic sectors in full expansion in Latin America. The living room, that had the participation of 13 Spanish companies, beside the institutional presence of Icex Spain Export and Investments, and Idae, Institute for the Diversification and Saving of the Power, as well as the support of the main Spanish associations of the sector, celebrated in the frame of ENVIRONMENTAL, Latin American Week of the Environingingment, of simultaneous form to the living rooms Expo Recycles, and EducAmbiente, that in his group summoned more than 150 companies and 5.832 professional visitors.

In a first balance of results, the present Spanish entities in Genera Latin America, have stood out the opportunity of the living room like platform for the internationalisation of the Spanish companies, as well as the potential of the Chilean market for the development of the sector of the renewable and the energetic efficiency.

Icex Spain Export and Investments and the sectorial Associations presents in the living room do a positive assessment of this first edition...
Icex Spain Export and Investments and the sectorial Associations presents in the living room do a positive assessment of this first edition.

In this sense, Icex does a positive assessment of his participation and signals that “it Generates Latin America has served to give to know the technological potential of the Spanish companies and the possibilities of collaboration in the new window of opportunities that open in Chile with the transformation of his energetic model to a more sustainable model that has like aim enter, gradually, around 500 MW to the year of renewable energies no conventional in his mix energetic until the year 2025” to what adds “Also exists a long route for the companies that work in the field of the energetic efficiency, where the frame regulatorio Chilean also bets by an ambitious aim for the year 2020. In both sectors Spain has a recognised experience and like this has been able to show in the Fair”. Of way more specific, also has stood out “the good received that had the technical day organised together with the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Chile with the participation of around 70 companies of the sector of the renewable and of the energetic efficiency that facilitated to the Spanish companies the access to the Chilean authorities managers of the energetic politics of renewable and of energetic efficiency, fulfilling the aim prioritario of the announcement the facilitate the networking in a private public frame”.

In definite, according to Icex “has promoted the internationalisation of the economy and of the Spanish companies in sectors of high technological content, in concrete the exports of goods and services of Spanish companies, as well as the direct investment Spaniard in the outside and the participation of Spanish companies in international biddings. Finally, also from Icex“has supported to Ifema to move the mark and the model ferial of Genera to the Chilean market in this first edition."

Regarding some of the impressesions of the sectorial Associations presents in this first edition, José Donoso, general director of Unef, Photovoltaic Spanish Union, underlines “This meeting has supposed for the photovoltaic sector Spanish an excellent opportunity to share the experiences, the projects and the casuística special of this market in Chile and in the world. The Spanish companies have been able to show his big knowledge of the solar sector and offer solutions of very high value added. It generates Latin America has put in evidence the high interest of our companies by one of the most attractor trucks markets and reliable for the development of the industry”. ENVIRONMENTAL, was inaugurated by the minister of the Environingingment of Chile, María Ignacia Benítez, that stood out the contribution of this week to the sustainable development of Chile and expressesed the interest of the Ministry and of the Government for promoting and support this event that described like “the most important that have to level country in relation to environingingmental technologies, that aim to develop processes cleaner”

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