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Fourth inauguration of Brico Depôt in this 2013, after the openings of Palma de Mallorca, Lleida and Ferrol

“The democratisation of the bricolaje” arrives to Majadahonda (Madrid)

David Muñoz31/10/2013

Brico Depôt, chain of shops of bricolaje and conditioning of the home, inaugurated the past 30 October, a new centre in the Madrilenian place of Majadahonda, the twentieth chamber that opens in Spain. To the put of long of the new installations, the greater with which explains this signature in our country, attended numerous customers along all the day, from the 6 of the morning and until the 12 of the night.

Ten years after opening his first establishment in Spain, in the place navarra of Viana, Brico Depôt already can boast to have 24 centres in our country. The last, in Majadahonda (Madrid) that has converted besides in the elder of the company, with a surface of 8.200 m2, delivered in 6.400 m2 available interior and 1.800 m2 available outside for materials of construction (with direct access for the direct load in the vehicles).

The inauguration of the new centre of Brico Depôt had a big influx of people

The inauguration of the new centre of Brico Depôt had a big influx of people.

The new ‘shop-warehouse' is situated beside the Big Shopping centre Square Two and pretends to give coverage, especially, to the zone northwest of the Community of Madrid. The inhabitants of this region already can enjoy of the commercial concept of the signature Brico Depôt that bases in “the democratisation of the bricolaje” through a wide offer of products “always available to low prices”.

Brico Depôt, pertaining signature to the Group Kingfisher (leader in Europe and third group to world-wide level in the sector of the bricolaje and the construction), selected ten years ago Spain like one of the key countries in which develop his expansion of business, and to day of today already is present in 14 of the 17 autonomous communities. Specifically in the Community of Madrid, in addition to the new centre of Majadahonda that has supposed an upper investment to the 20 million euros, has installations in Alcalá de Henares and in Getafe.

External sight of the new centre Brico Depôt Majadahonda

External sight of the new centre Brico Depôt Majadahonda.

The greater shop Brico Depôt in Spain

In addition to being the biggest shop in surface, the new centre Brico Depôt is also the only of the company in Spain with a parking subterranean free with capacity for more than 420 vehicles. Brico Depôt Majadahonda Is equally the shop with the range of products wider, with more than 13.000 always available references for the professional and particular customer of agile and accessible form, where the customer will be able to find from products of carpentry, decoration for the home, plumbery, lighting, tools, kitchen and bathroom, until a wide range of materials of construction for professionals.

The new centre has near of 2.000 references in enclosures and windows

The new centre has near of 2.000 references in enclosures and windows.

Another of the novelties of the new centre of bricolaje of Majadahonda are his commercial schedules adapted especially to the needs of the professional customers, open ininterrumpidamente of Monday to Friday from the 6 of the morning until the 10 of the night and the Saturdays of 7:30 of the morning to 10 of the night. The Sundays and festive the one who wish it also will be able to visit the establishment of 9 of the morning to 10 of the night.

The commercial concept that identifies to Brico Depôt

Brico Depôt Bases his politics of company in “the satisfaction and the improvement of the quality of life of his customers, providing the maximum eases to guarantee that, so much professional like individuals, find of the simplest form possible the product that more adapts to his needs”.

Brico Depôt Accompanies to his customers in the construction, maintenance and improvement of the home, that is possible thanks to the four pillars of his commercial concept:

  • Democratisation of the products of the bricolaje: “low Prices every day”. Thanks to his strategy of reduction of costs, this signature can offer prices very affordable near at hand of publics very diverse. Besides, it offers the concept called “+Downloads”, limited and available opportunities to prices very low during a determinate period of time.
  • Wide volume of stock and immediate availability. Because of his format “tend-warehouse”, Brico Depôt can store a wide volume of products, so that they are always available.
  • Better relation quality-price. The quality of his more than 10.000 products, of average (in the shop of Majadahonda account, for example, with more than 2.000 references in doors and windows) combines perfectly with the competitive prices that offers the signature.
  • Orientation “Glocal”. Brico Depôt, in addition to forming part of a big international group as it is the Group Kingfisher, adapts to the needs of each customer in particular and to the characteristics of his surroundings.
Area of Garden in the Centre Bricor of Majadahonda

Area of Garden in the Centre Bricor of Majadahonda.

This commitment with the local surroundings also self-evident in the priority that Brico Depôt always gives to the contracting for his centres of inhabitants of the zone, contributing to reduce the index of unemployment in these places. In the case of Majadahonda, has carried out, beside the City council of this municipality, a process of selection to cover the 100 places of work offered.

The ‘shops-warehouse' of Brico Depôt explain besides with manufacturers and local providers for the supply of his centres, by what for the centre of Majadahonda has had signatures like Coheisa, Holcim Mortars, The Maruxina or Prearco.

The commitment with the local surroundings is extrapolable equally to the that has with the environingingment and the sustainability. In this sense, between other measures, labels all his products that do not offer an impact to the environingingment with the distinction ‘Echo Brico'; more than 90% of his wooden products proceed of forestrys managed of sustainable way; and it sells in his centres recyclable stock exchanges whose amount goes allocated to the preservation of the nearest forestrys.

Area Available outside for materials of construction, with direct access for the direct load in the vehicles
Area Available outside for materials of construction, with direct access for the direct load in the vehicles.

This commitment has carried to Brico Depôt to turn into the first chain of bricolaje in Spain in obtaining the distinction FSC International Partner Award, what adds to other recognitions, as for example, have been chosen in the years 2008, 2010 and 2012 with the ‘Best Place to Work' as one of the best companies to work in Spain.

Brico Depôt Spain

Brico Depôt Is integrated in the Group Kingfisher, European leader and third group to world-wide level in the sector of the bricolaje and the construction, with more than 1.000 establishments in 9 countries and a staff of more than 78.000 people, that attend to the six million customers that visit his establishments each week. Kingfisher Integrates marks of recognised prestige like B&Q, Screwfix, castorama, Hornback and Koçtas.

In Spain, Brico Depôt explains already with 24 establishments, a team of more than 1.300 collaborators, more than 134.000 m2 of available surface, more than eight million customers and an average of 10.000 references of product by shop.

“Low prices every day”, the commitment of Brico Depôt
“Low prices every day”, the commitment of Brico Depôt.

Brico Depôt Majadahonda, the fuselage insignia of the signature in Spain

  • With 8.200 m2 of available surface is the greater shop of Brico Depôt in Spain.
  • The fourth shop that inaugurates the company in 2013, after Ferrol, Lleida and Palma de Mallorca.
  • The investment realizar in Majadahonda has been upper to the 20 million euros.
  • Creation of a team of work of 100 people, 90% resident in the zone.
  • The greater range of products: more than 13.000 always available references.
  • Time commercial wider, thought for professionals: of 6 h to 22 h ininterrumpidamente. Saturdays: of 7:30 h to 22 h. Sundays and festive: of 9 h to 22 h.
  • The external playground has the greater offer of materials of construction of the market (1.800 m2). Direct access for load of materials.
  • Brico Depôt Majadahonda Has a parking subterranean, with more than 420 squares of parking.
  • A wide range of products “to the lowest prices of the market” for professional and particular customers.

Comments on article / news piece

10/11/2013 10:14:48
Donde está el marcado CE de obligado cumplimiento en los conductos de ventilación del parkin El día que haya un incendio veremos quien va a la cárcel si el ayuntamiento por no haberlo exigido el que a hecho el proyecto o la propiedad que país de inútiles

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