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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Knauf insulation presenta en primicia al Cateeb y al Icaen un estudio sobre aislamiento con lana mineral insuflada
Presentation in novelty of a study on isolation of the Spanish houses, elaborated by Knauf Insulation

Knauf insulation Presents in novelty to the Cateeb and to the Icaen a study on isolation with mineral wool insuflada

Editorial Interempresas09/10/2013
The three parts put of self-evident during the day his total commitment to boost the energetic rehabilitation of the buildings, that is the main aim with which have created the CEE. They stood out the importance of the work of the architects and aparejadores in this process of certification, since his contribution is essential in the document of recommendation of improvement, where the isolation is paramount.
Technical day on the isolation in the Spanish houses

Technical day on the isolation in the Spanish houses.

On 7 October Knauf Insulation organised a technical day in the Room of Acts of the School of Aparejadores, Technical Architects and Engineers of edificación of Barcelona (Caateeb) that had the collaboration of the School and of the Catalan Institute of Power (Icaen) to debate the importance of the energetic efficiency in the buildings.

The reason of the report was the presentation in novelty of a study on isolation elaborated by Knauf Insulation, based in the Spanish half house, that reveals that the insuflación of Mineral Wool in the walls of the homes would suppose an energetic saving of 55% and the reduction of the broadcasts of the CO₂ in more than 55% in comparison with in the current state. To the day assisted 100 referees that interested by the systems of isolation like constructive solution in the energetic rehabilitation of buildings, key question in the new rule on energetic certification.

Assistants to the day

Assistants to the day.

The day initiated with the presentation of the current legislation of the energetic certificate by part of Manuel Safe, director of the technical area of the Caateeb, that explained that “the CEE is not only a formality, is an opportunity to boost the energetic rehabilitation, for concienciar to the tenants that can improve the comfort in his house and besides, generate a very common for the environingingment and the society”. Like director of the technical area, ensured that The Caateeb, has requested that it review the official listing of certifier authorised to issue the labels, subject that interested especially to the assistants. By his part, Ainhoa Kills Pérez, of the Division of Energetic Management of the Icaen, began his speech explaining that we are not conscious of the quantity of power that consume the buildings and that in Catalonia 28% of the consumption of power comes from of them.

Photo of the speakers of the technical day

Photo of the speakers of the technical day.

The representative of Icaen, Insisted in the importance of the document of recommendation of improvement in the CEE, that is where the professionals can explain in detail the construction solutions to improve the qualification, as it can be the system of isolation. “The CEE is an opportunity so that the owners know how much power consumes his house; for concienciarles of the importance of the saving of power, to boost the construction and the efficient design and to be able to value the park of existent buildings” and concluded informing also, of the sanctions that exist if it does not fulfil with the rule concerning the CEE.

Finally, Luis Pozo, technical manager of Knauf Insulation, presented the report on energetic Rehabilitation of houses unifamiliares with Mineral Wool insuflada and the system Supafil 034 like solution to the energetic rehabilitation that promote the labels.

The technician exposed that this last study ratifies previous studies realizar by Knauf Insulation, that show the importance of the isolation of the envolvente in the home, since it reduces considerably the consumption of power. In the report shows that the injection of Supafil 034 isolates the house allowing achieve a better temperature of comfort of the home, avoiding the feeling of cold wall in the house and allows to save in the electrical bills when reducing the frequency of utilisation of the devices of air conditioning

The director of the technical area of the Caateeb explained to the collegiate assistants that to act in faã§ades, Supafil was a very effective solution for the communities of neighbours because it does not involve works, realizar in few hours and to a low cost.

Caateeb, Icaen and Knauf Insulation showed very satisfied of the success of the day and by the commitment established between them to achieve buildings energetically more efficient, involving so much in the learning of the professionals as in the awareness of the owners; since these works of rehabilitation are beneficial for the sector, for the professionals, for the citizens and for the environingingment.

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