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First certificates Aenor of Quality of the Product Software


27 September 2013

Aenor (Spanish Association of Normalisation and Certification) has conceded the first certificates of Quality of the Product Software according to the international norm ISO/IEC 25000 of Engineering of the Software. Requirements of quality and evaluation of the product software, also known like Square (Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation).

This norm defines the process of evaluation of the quality of the product software and the characteristics and subcaracterísticas that can be evaluated, like the functionality, the performance, the compatibility, the usability, the hygiene or the mantenibilidad, between others. Like this, Aenor has certified that the companies Enxenio, Sicaman and Bitware fulfil with the requirements of the norm in the mantenibilidad of his products of software, that is to say, the degree in which a product facilitates his maintenance of effective form, efficiency, safe and satisfactory, allowing updates.

In the case of Enxenio Aenor has certified the mantenibilidad of the software ‘Platform of distribution of Digital Contents version 2.1'; in the case of Sicaman the Entity has certified the software ‘System of appointments for centres of health Citasalud, version 3.0'; and in Bitware has certified the product ‘documentary Management Bitdoc version 2'. The delivery of the certificates has taken place in an act celebrated this morning in the central headquarters of Aenor.

Certificates of Quality of the Product Software conceded by Aenor
Certificates of Quality of the Product Software conceded by Aenor.

To obtain the certification of quality of the product software Aenor has had the collaboration of the laboratory AQC Lab, first centre in Spain accredited by Enac for the realisation of essays of evaluation of the quality of applications software. This laboratory issues a report of independent evaluation by means of which checks that the software can be modified for possible improvements, corrections or adaptations of the same to changes in the requirements or in the surroundings.

The certification of Quality of Product Software has numerous advantages, so much for the organisations that develop software as for the companies that purchase it: it allows to control and know the quality of the product and ensures the times of delivery and the reduction of failures in the product, differentiating to the developers of products of software of his competitors.

Besides, allows to detect the defects in the product software and proceed to his elimination before the delivery, what supposes a saving of costs in the phase of back maintenance.

Of the same way, makes possible to evaluate and control the performance of the product software developed, ensuring that it will be able to generate the results taking into account the restrictions of time and resources established.

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Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación

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