
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Molecor representa a España en los 'European Business Awards' 2013 y 2014

Molecor Represents to Spain in the 'European Business Awards' 2013 and 2014


24 July 2013

Molecor, Spanish company specialized in technology and manufacture of PVC (PVC-O) oriented pipes for water pressure piping, It was selected as one of the representatives of our country in the European Business Awards. This event promotes innovation and ethics in the European business community, rewarding organizations that meet these precepts. Thus, value the business activity of companies from more than 30 countries, including various sectors.

Molecor will compete with other selected European companies
Molecor will compete with other selected European companies.

In this first round, the jury analyzed the European companies that comply with the basic principles of these awards: innovation, excellence and sustainability. Antonio Arena, co-founder and CEO of Molecor, highlighted the strong tune with these principles: "Molecor is a pioneer in the development of the technology of Molecular orientation applied to pipes of pressurized water. Words like innovation, sustainability and excellence have helped shape our identity over the years". Business representatives from each country will participate in the second phase of the process, where they will compete with other European companies distributed in different categories. According to Adrian Tripp, CEO of the European Business Awards, "in the past seven years we have reached a very high level. However, very few companies have the opportunity to represent their country and compete in Europe to be recognised as one of the best. It really is an exceptional praise. We look forward to beginning the next phase".

To qualify for the award, Molecor and other companies-Finalists must submit their activity, history and forecasts, in a video that will be posted online. The month of November will begin assessments of judges and, also, of the public. In the latter case, users can vote for their national representative on the of the Organization's website. Once the period of voting, will be announced the European winners, the month of April.

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