
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Molecor presenta su sistema de asistencia remota

Molecor Presents his system of remote assistance


25 June 2013

Molecor, manufacturer of machinery for the production of pipes of PVC Oriented, presents his system of maintenance by remote control for the technical assistance and the control of quality of the productive process of his licenciatarios of technology in real time. This system and service posventa is a significant advance with regard to the traditional concept in the sector of manufacture of pipes.

The technology of assistance by remote control of Molecor bases in a communication in VPN, a channel of communication of independent data and encrypted, that allows to establish a safe communication through Internet to connect from a terminal centralised to the network of schemed of Molecor in operation all over the world. It is a technology developed by Molecor in collaboration with Siemens that integrates technical assistance and supervision of quality during all the process of production. Of this way is possible to offer a continuous supervision and constant, realise adjust of parameters of remote form, and take part to solve any type of incidence in real time

Thanks to this innovative system, Molecor puts to disposal of the customers his technical knowledge, guaranteeing the assistance posventa of the equipment of orientation during his useful life.


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