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19ª Convention of Anapat

The innovation and the learning mark the hygiene in the sector of the platforms

David Muñoz27/05/2013
The Hotel Emperor of Madrid received the days 23 and 24 May the 19ª Convention of Anapat, the National Association of Rentals of Aerial Platforms of Work, that had this year by lemma ‘Innovation and Learning: Keys of the hygiene'. Innovation that went back to be very present through the reports realised by the different sponsors of the meeting as well as by a new initiative of the Association: the Prizes to the Innovation and Promotion of the PEMP. And hygiene, an intrinsic concept to Anapat, that has gone back to put of self-evident with his participation in the manufacturing of the new norm of learning of operators of PEMP JOINS-58923.

The program of the 19ª Convention of Anapat included like one of his more stood out acts the official delivery to the Association, by part of Aenor, of the certificate of Skilled Entity according to norm JOINS-58923, an attainment that, as it signalled Raquel Rodríguez, of Aenor, serves to contribute “confidence” to the sector, so much to the customers that employ platforms in his works as to the own Administration. After several years of conjoint work between Anapat and Aenor, this new norm puts in value the learning of the operators of PEMP, and endows, definitely, of greater quality and professionalism to this market.

Raquel Rodríguez, of Aenor, delivery to the president of Anapat, Javier Gómez, the certificate of Skilled Entity according to norm JOINS-58923...
Raquel Rodríguez, of Aenor, delivery to the president of Anapat, Javier Gómez, the certificate of Skilled Entity according to norm JOINS-58923.

The aims of the new norm JOINS-58923 defined them like this Jorge J. Ferrando, responsible of Learning in Anapat: present some minimum guidelines that provide to the operator a suitable learning in the use and handle sure of the PEMP; fix the requirements and procedure of this learning; guarantee a learning regulated and of quality; combat the intrusismo and a low quality learning; and, the most important, improve the hygiene of the workers and of the companies.

Like sectorial association, Anapat has received the certificate of ‘Skilled Entity' as the norm JOINS-58923, whereas the companies associated that they want to give this learning according to said norm purchase the qualification of ‘Entity Formadora'.

To be ‘Entity Formadora' the company has to fulfil a series of requirements, between which include : have of spaces and suitable places to give the theoretical and practical learning, have the pedagogical material required, have of the PEMP appropriate (reviewed according to JOINS it-58921), have a manager of learning and a formador (have to fulfil determinate characteristics), have sure of RC with some already fixed conditions, and can accredit all these requirements.

Anapat Has created three types of courses, of agreement to the norm JOINS 58923: one Basic of 8 hours (4 theorists and 4 practices), one Expanded of 32 hours (28 theorists and 4 practices) and a third for the Renewal (6 hours) since the caducous certificate to the five years.

Jorge J. Ferrando, responsible of Learning in Anapat
Jorge J. Ferrando, responsible of Learning in Anapat.

For the gestión of the learning, Anapat has enabled a very simple procedure that begins with the introduction (or modification) of the data of the formadores and of the students/operators through the web, which also allows the creation of the courses (it is necessary to supply information of when, where and how goes realise this learning).

Gives the course with the didactic material supplied by the association (manual, power point and video) and once developed, enter in the system the results of the assistants. It closes the course and requests to Anapat the broadcast of the carnets and corresponding certificates, which have the guarantee of the stamp of Aenor. In this carnet also includes the logo of the Entity Formadora, the type of PEMP in which it has formed to the operator and the time of validity, between other informations.

Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat
Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat.
The new norm JOINS-58923 provides some minimum guidelines to receive a suitable learning in the use and handle sure of the PEMP

After the breakfast and the free commercial relations, the Convention retold with the presentations of the sponsors, that this year had like main novelty the opt to the I Prizes to the Innovation and Promotion of the PEMP.


Through a video, Smopyc, International Living room of Machinery for Public Works, Infrastructures, Construction and Minería, resumió the keys of which goes to be his next edition, that will take place of the 1 to 5 April 2014, in Fair of Saragossa.

Once again, Smopyc 2014 will look for to agglutinate, during five days, to signatures of all the world, that choose this contest like the centre ineludible of the segment of the construction and the public works.

In his previous edition, celebrated in 2011, Smopyc had more than 114.000 square metres of surface covered, to which it is necessary to add the external area and the zone of demonstrations, giving a near total surface to the 300.000 square metres.


Axlesor, skilled company in the provision of qualifications, business knowledge and systems of gestión of risk (first Spanish company that it is registered like Agency of European Qualification), presented his system of integral gestión of risk Monitors Business, that allows to control in real time all the cycle of risk, from the admission until the follow-up, putting to disposal of the user the most up to date information and the experience of this company.

With this solution, the company reduces the risk of impagado, what supposes  a big advantage taking into account, as it signalled Miguel Ángel Ruiz, of Axlesor, that from the start of the crisis the number of companies fallidas has increased considerably, until reaching price annual average around 6%.

The Convention of Anapat retold with a zone for free commercial relations
The Convention of Anapat retold with a zone for free commercial relations.

AP Aerial Platforms

Like last big novelty, AP Aerial Platforms, company founded in 1995, contributes his designation like official distributor of Hinowa in Spain and Portugal, being able to commercialise in both countries no only the range of platforms of the Italian manufacturer but also the rest of his products (minidumpers, pallet trucks…). To show the possibilities that open him to this company with the new representation, AP Aerial Platforms has foreseen to organise próximamente a day of open doors in his installations.

Precisely his installations constitute another of the novelties of the company, when having been expanded recently with the incorporation of two new ships, what facilitates the development of all his activities: centre of learning IPAF, technical courses, assistance postventa, stock of spare parts, sale of new machinery and used JLG and Hinowa…

To technical level, José Luis González, of AP Aerial Platforms, stood out like big innovations the new platforms of orugas LighLift Series Performance IIIS, with heights of maximum work of 17 and 20 m, especially indicated for the business for hire.


As it began signalling Pedro García, boss of Sales of Genie Iberian for Spain and Portugal, “Genie follows betting by the Spanish market”, with a structure of eight people devoted exclusively to give service to the professionals of these two countries, that see backed at all times by the personnel of the Group in Europe.

Pedro García, boss of Sales of Genie Iberian
Pedro García, boss of Sales of Genie Iberian.

Like new products, this signature of the Group Terex specialised in aerial platforms and manipuladores telescopic, incorporates three big innovations. The first, to improve the levels of hygiene of his platforms, is a protection anti-aplastamiento (OPS) that active by pressesure (without electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers) and that does not need of homologations neither certifications. The second is the new series GS-69 DC of electrical scissors, very compact and with capacity to surpass big slopes thanks to his system of special traction. And like last big innovation, Genie presents the platform that has turned into the "fuselage insignia" of his range, the telescopic self-propelled SX-180, the first in the market that achieves to arrive to the 57 metres of height of work.


TVH Parts is one of the greater companies of the world in the supply of spare parts, with an upper turnover to the 800 million euros. Also it explains, as it indicated his representative in Spain Javier González, with a line of business devoted to the rent of machinery (has a fleet closely of 17.000 platforms), that represents roughly a fourth part of the income of the company.

Has of a staff of 4.000 professionals and in his installations of Waregem (Belgium) manages an average of 5.500 requests to the day. It has of spare parts for a wide variety of machines, from carts until sweepers, going through platforms, manipuladores telescopic, etc. Only in platforms has more than 450.000 references.

Like one of his last novelties, TVH has launched ‘MyTotalSource', the on-line channel of the company that allows to obtain answer immediately to any query/operation: price and term of delivery, photo sent of automatic form, technical information, list of favourites, archive of offers, research of spare parts by data of the machine or by technical specifications…


Iván Morodo, general director of Haulotte Iberian, went the attendant to explain the advantages of two of the last platforms incorporated to the range of the French manufacturer. It treats of the telescopic HT21RT and HT23RTJ, that already in his nomenclature contribute a new line of performance by part of this mark: ‘HT' does reference to ‘Haulotte Telescopic', '21' and ‘23' to the maximum heights of work in metres, and ‘RT' to ‘Rough Terrain' – All Terrain. In the case of the HT23RTJ the ‘J' final indicates that has Jib (plumín) incorporated.

Iván Morodo, general director of Haulotte Iberian
Iván Morodo, general director of Haulotte Iberian.

The four concepts that characterise to these new platforms are “performance, productivity, robustness and ease of maintenance”. Performance because they are able to reach until 22,5 m of height of work and 18,3 m of lateral scope, arriving to the maximum height in less than a minute. Productivity, attained when can realise different movements of simultaneous form. Robustness, thanks to a feather reinforced and to the incorporation of new systems of hygiene. And ease of maintenance with a new design that speeds up all the tasks of service.

Iván Morodo wanted also take advantage of his intervention to remember that Haulotte follows betting by the Spanish market with a team of 25 people (between interns and external), very focused to the service to the customer, and with some modern installations in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) from which offer all type of services: learning, reacondicionamiento of machines, repair, spare parts…

As one of his last novelties, TVH has launched ‘MyTotalSource', the on-line channel of the company that allows to obtain answer immediately to any query/operation


Like manager of Service Postventa of JLG in Spain, Jordi Canet reviewed the two main novelties that has incorporated this signature in his catalogue. In the first place, and strengthening the traditional hygiene of his platforms, JLG presents the ‘Skyguard', a protection optimised of the signpost of control for arms elevadores, which provides to the operator more hygiene without limiting the available space in the platform or the visibility. This system active when detecting a pressesure from 22 kg, that can be applied from multiple angles. When activating detains the function into use in less than a second and sounds an alarm (optionally can install a light destellante) and invests temporarily the function that was executing . Besides, the device arrives to break in extreme cases, offering like this additional space to the operator.

To level of range, the last big novelty of JLG are the electrical scissors 6RS and 10RS, that receive the name of ‘RS' (Rental System) for being especially indicated for the sector of the rent: big robustness, easy maintenance and simple use. They present heights of work of 8 and 12 metres and, thanks to his rails abatibles, facilitates his transport and access by doors.

Jordi Canet, responsible of Service Postventa of JLG Iberian
Jordi Canet, responsible of Service Postventa of JLG Iberian.


Along the last years, the correduría of insurance Cicor International, that this year celebrates his 25º anniversary, has gone launching to the different market and advanced solutions for the business of the rent of machinery. Precisely his Module of Machinery agglutinates all the experience collected by the company in this sector along all these years, allowing to the alquilador through this application enjoy of numerous services adjusted to his activity: ensure a machine to the moment, issue of immediate form a certificate of safe, consult the conditioned of the companies, export listing of machinery to Excel, unify the vencimientos, filter machines by vigour/cancelled, update the data of the company, change data of access, extorno automatic of the no consumed premium…

Jordi Fields, of Cicor, also signalled in his intervention other solutions that has gone launching the company, as his complete program of insurance, with monthly quotas, or the inclusion of the RC of learning for the theoretical and practical part.

Workshops Velilla

Workshops Velilla, Spanish manufacturer with a long list of innovations in the sector of the aerial platforms along the last 30 years, presents now like main novelty the series TLF of platforms mounted on van. They are machines very compact (the arm folds in the length of the vehicle) that enable a big capacity of load in the interior of the vehicle and that avoid like this thefts of material. Thanks to these new models, Workshops Velilla, through his mark Movex, is strengthening his international presence.

Xavier Vega, commercial manager of Workshops Velilla (Movex)
Xavier Vega, commercial manager of Workshops Velilla (Movex).

The platforms for vans of 2,8 tonnes (TLF9 and TLF10) without stabilisers, are ideal for works like maintenance of telephone sticks, semaphores, cameras CCTV or lighted up of low height. Also the TLF11, of 11,60 metres of height of work without stabilisers and basket for a person, allocated to vans of 3,5 tonnes, is perfect for works of public lighting, maintenance of gasolineras and telephony, among others a lot of works, with the advantage to be able to instrument with cabinets the interior of the van and have the enclosed material. The range closes with a new model of 14 metres, with which Movex has done reality a project that came of far.

Beltrán Farmyards Advise

Beltrán Farmyards Advise, skilled company in gestión of programs of insurance and management of risks, announced through one of his founders, Isidoro Beltrán, his intention to present in brief novelties in products and systems that speed up and limit the costs by coverages.

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

To two weeks of the celebration in Spain of a new auction, Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, the subastador industrial bigger of the world, attended to the 19ª Convention of Anapat to promote this new appointment in which it will sell a selection of more than 1.360 heavy equipment (between which encontrabán 29 mobile cranes). This new public auction without reservation will take place simultaneously in Ocaña (Toledo) and Moncofa (Castellón), the days 6 and 7 June 2013.

Raúl Brown, responsible of Big Accounts of Ritchie Bros. For Europe, also took advantage of to remember to the assistants the advantages that provides Ritchie Bros. With his tool to value parks of machinery: it includes the available prices of equipment of elevation of the last 24 months (at present more than 617 one thousand equipment valued). “It is the most updated tool to determine the value of real current/market of a park of machinery, attaining in 2012 more than 29 million researches”. It allows to look for by sector, mark, model, year, country, auction, keyword or rank of prices. It treats of a free service that can enjoy registering in the web of the company.

Raúl Brown, responsible of Big Accounts of Ritchie Bros. For Europe
Raúl Brown, responsible of Big Accounts of Ritchie Bros. For Europe.

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Went back to attain historical registers in 2012 with 287.000 batches sold, 389.500 postores registered and 99.250 buyers. In Spain, through his two permanent places (Ocaña and Moncofa) attained to sell the past year, 13.830 batches, with 8.149 postores registered and 3.344 buyers.

Power Towers

The company Power Towers attended for the first time to a Convention of Anapat with the intention to present to the rentals his solutions of access until 5 m of height of work, products with a big demand in the British market (this company glass 80% of this market) but that in Spain still hardly have presence.

Are machines very light and of dimensions very compact that allow to work with hygiene on delicate surfaces and even access by an elevator. In Spain, these products go to be commercialised by the company Liftisa, with installations in Montmeló (Barcelona) and Getafe (Madrid).

Photo of group with the winners of the I Prizes Anapat to the Innovation and Promotion of the use of the PEMP
Photo of group with the winners of the I Prizes Anapat to the Innovation and Promotion of the use of the PEMP.

Winners of the I Prizes Anapat to the Innovation and Promotion of the use of the PEMP:

- Prize to the Innovation in platforms of scissors or vertical topmasts: JLG.

- Prize to the Innovation in telescopic platforms and articulated: Genie.

- Prize to the Innovation in platforms on vehicles: Workshops Velilla.

- Prize to the Innovation in hygiene: Haulotte.

- Prize to the Innovation in energetic efficiency: AP Aerial Platforms..

- Prize to the Innovation in the maintenance of the PEMP: TVH.

- Prize to the Product or Service more Innovative for the sector of the rent: Axlesor.

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