
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La bomba de calor aerotérmica

The bomb of heat aerotérmica

Cecilia Salamanca. Department Técnicode the Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec)21/05/2013
The external air absorbs the power of the solar radiation. If this air, inagotable and free uses by means of a bomb of heat, will be taking advantage of this power aerotérmica, that is renewable power.
Photo: Andreas Krappweis
Photo: Andreas Krappweis.

The aerotermia

The Directive 2009/28, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 23 April 2009, relative to the promotion of the use of pertinent power of renewable sources, defines:

pertinent Power of renewable sources, like the pertinent power of renewable sources no fossils, that is to say, wind power, solar, aerotérmica, geothermal sensors, hidrotérmica and oceanic, hydraulics, biomass, gases of dump, gases of plants of purification and biogás.

Power aerotérmica, like the power stored in shape of heat in the air acclimatise.

The aprovechamiento of this free power realises through the bomb of heat aerotérmica, which can be of two types: air-water and air-to-air.

The bomb of heat and his operation

A bomb of heat is a machine that extracts heat of a cold focus and pumps it to a hot focus. Like the heat flows of spontaneous way of a zone of greater temperature to one of minor, the bomb of heat has to use a quantity of work to force the flow of heat in the contrary steering.

The bomb of heat transfers the heat stored in natural and renewable sources of the surroundings to low temperature (cold focus), as they are the air, the water or the floor, to the zone that pretends heat (hot focus).

The total heat contributed by the bomb of heat is the extracted of the source of heat, natural and renewable, more the external work contributed by the engine of accionamiento of the compressesor.

The greater part of the pumps of existent heat work with the cycle of compressesion of a fluent condensable, by means of an enclosed circuit by which circulates a fluid refrigerante. His main components are: compressesor, valve of expansion, condenser and evaporador, as it shows in the following figure:


The bomb of heat also can use to cool. In this case, the transfer of heat realises in contrary sense, that is to say, from the zone to cool to the environingingment that finds to upper temperature.

The pumps of heat, that work in way heating and refrigeration, designate reversible and incorporate a valve of 4 roads that allows to invest the sense of the circulation of the fluid frigorífico.

Aerotermia: Renewable power

According to the Directive 2009/28, has to consider that the pumps of heat that allow the utilisation of the heat aerotérmico, geothermal sensors or hidrotérmico to a level of useful temperature, need electricity or another auxiliary power to work. Thus, to effects of the calculation of the renewable power, has to deduce of the total of usable power, that necessary for the operation of the pumps of heat. Only they have to take into account the equipment whose production surpass of significant form the necessary primary power to promote them.

That is to say, the fact that his operation require the utilisation of primary power no renewable, explains that, to the effects of the calculation of the quantity of heat that has to consider like pertinent power of renewable sources, have established a methodology collected in the Annex VII, of the quoted Managerial, titled ‘energetic Balance of the pumps of heat'. The Decision of the Commission 2013/114 of 1 March 2013, establishes the guidelines for the calculation of the pertinent renewable power of the pumps of heat.

Of compliance with the quoted annex and the Decision, the quantity of renewable power supplied by means of technologies of bomb of heat (ARE), calculates with the formula:

You ARE= Qusable * (1-1/SPF)

Where, Qusable = HHP * Prated


Qusable: useful Heat total estimated provided by the pumps of heat, expressesed in GWh.

HHP: Annual number of hours during which supposes that a bomb of heat has to supply heat to the nominal power, expressesed in h.

Prated: Nominal power or capacity of refrigeration or of heating of the cycle of compressesion or of the cycle of sorción of the steam of the unit in standard conditions.

SPF: Factor of seasonal half performance estimativo, that refers to the coefficient of net seasonal performance in active way (SCOPnet), in the case of the pumps of heat accionadas electrically and will evaluate in accordance with the norm IN 14825:2012.

As the collected in the mentioned Managerial, only will take into account the pumps of heat with a SPF upper to 1,15 * 1/ŋ. The fixed Commission the value of the efficiency of the system of power (ŋ) in 0,455 (45,5%). Like consequence, the SPF minimum of cutting (SCOPnet) of the pumps of heat accionadas electrically, so that they consider to effects of the calculation of renewable power, is 2,5.

Aerotermia: Improvement of the energetic efficiency

There are two basic concepts that define the energetic efficiency of a bomb of heat:

1. SCOP (Factor of seasonal half performance estimativo in way heating).

2. SEER (Factor of seasonal half performance estimativo in way refrigeration).

For example, suppose a bomb of heat, in way heating, with a SCOP of 4. This means that, by each 1 kW consumed by a system bomb of heat, obtain 4 kW of available power; what represents 3 kW of free power.

There is not power more economic, more ecological and less contaminante, that the one who does not consume
In the last years, the bomb of heat has experienced an evolution in the improvement of the energetic efficiency. This is had to, among others appearances, to:
  • Systems of control PID (Proportional Integral Derived), that adjust the production to the demand and optimise the consumptions of the auxiliary elements of the equipment, when these are in operation.
  • Technology inverter.
  • Valves of electronic expansion.
  • Variable discharge.
  • Fans of high efficiency.
  • Systems of recovery of power.
  • Technology of double compressesor.

This technological evolution allows that the equipment of bomb of heat improve his performances, so much the SCOPs like the SEERs. The most generalised use of these equipment will do that the air conditioning was more respectful with the environingingment.

Aerotermia: Reduction of broadcasts of CO2

According to the International Agency of the Power:
  • The buildings represent the third part of the final consumption of power to world-wide level, what means that they are a very important source of broadcasts of CO2.

  • Estimates that the refrigeration, the heating and the sanitary ware hot water, especially these two last, represent the half of the global consumption of power in the buildings. These final uses are a good opportunity to reduce the consumption of power, improving the energetic efficiency and, in consequence, reducing the broadcasts of CO2.

Can say therefore, that the greater energetic efficiency of the pumps of heat, help to reduce substantially the consumption of power, and consistently, achieves a significant reduction of the broadcasts of CO2.

The fortresses of the bomb of heat

The fortresses with which explains the bomb of heat, can analyse from three punto:

The technological

  • Is a mature technology and in continuous development.
  • A same team contributes solutions to refrigerate, heat and produce sanitary ware hot water.
  • Is integrable with other technologies as for example, the solar power.

The one of the user

  • Easy use, maintenance and installation.
  • Does not have servitude.

The environingingmental

Uses renewable power.

Reduces the broadcasts of CO2.


The bomb of heat aerotérmica forms part of the group of solutions that will help to fulfil the aim 20-20-20 of the European Union in his performance against the climatic change, consistent in:
  • Cover 20% of the energetic consumption with renewable energies.
  • Save 20% of the consumption of power by means of a greater energetic efficiency.
  • Reduce 20% the broadcasts of CO2.

On the Afec

The Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec) represents to 65 companies, 40 of them Spanish manufacturers, that employ to some 6.000 people in our country. The association looks after the gestión and defence of the interests of these manufacturers, through activities like the participation in conferences and studies, and with helps to the export and to the technological development.

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