
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José María Ortiz, director general de Asociación de Fabricantes de Equipos de Climatización (Afec)
“Today more than ever the consumer is very conscious of the importance to save in air conditioning”

Interview to José María Ortiz, general director of Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec)

Irene Relda16/04/2013
In spite of the fall in the sales of equipment of air conditioning, derived of the crisis of the construction, the big companies of the sector have not left to investigate and to develop new equipment energetically more efficient and more respectful with the environingingment. “Today it can not conceive a team that do not fulfil with these parameters”, affirms José María Ortiz, general director of the Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec). In addition to the profits for our surroundings and for the pocket of the consumers, “today the green sells, and of this are very conscious the manufacturers”.
José María Ortiz, general director of Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec)
José María Ortiz, general director of Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (Afec).

The crisis of the construction has dragged achieve to other sectors that depended in some measure of her. Which situation lives the industry of the air conditioning in the actuality?

Yes, the construction has fallen dramatically and, in consequence, the sales of equipment of air conditioning, also. To this has added him the fact that the administrations and the particular in general do not have of money, of financial and economic means. Like this, in the actuality, are underneath of 50% of 1997, year in which it arrived to his historical maximum.

However, the sector has not left to evolve…

Sure enough, the sector has experienced a very important transformation, hastened, partly, by the European legislation —centred in the energetic saving and the utilisation of renewable energies, with the consistent reduction of CO2—  and, on the other hand, for looking for niches of market and differentiate of the competition.

What would stand out of this evolution?

The massive use of the technology inverter; the equipment multiciclo or multitarea, that is to say, those that give cold, heat and hot water; the utilisation of double compressesor in determinate types of team; the design of exchangers and batteries to do them more optimum and so that the exchange was better; the use of systems of regulation and control more precise; the utilisation of valves of electronic expansion or the development of the telematic to control the machines to distance…

Big progresses…

Yes, this regarding equipment. Regarding installations, would stand out among others advances the recovery of heat or of cold of the installations of air conditioning.

In what consists?

The installations demand one some renewal of air, then, in place to expel it directly, treats to recover part of this heat by means of an exchanger of the air that goes in. It could put a lot of examples more, but anyway, the sector directs to this energetic efficiency that marks the European legislation.

And it believes adapted these rules and laws that regulate direct or indirectly the sector?

Is evident that the society is it sued and, possibly, the environingingment, also. Like this, it would say that in general terms it is positive, but has claroscuros, is mejorable.

Photo: Reynaers Aluminium
Photo: Reynaers Aluminium
“The rhythms that imposes the legislation of the EU regarding the change of technologies are very adjusted, especially for the SMEs”

In which appearances?

On the one hand, think that would have to take into account the financial situation of some countries. Besides, the rhythms that impose regarding the change of technologies are very adjusted, especially for the SMEs. A big multinational has resources and means, but for a small company results more trabajoso.

What could say us of the competition of equipment of countries like China?

I no demonizaría to the Chinese equipment. Really they have a financial and technological potential enormous. The big factories are used to to be very cumplidoras of the legislation and participate in the European associations. I of course would not link to the Chinese product with incumplimiento or with fault of quality. It would be unfair. Some Chinese manufacturers produce more than six million equipment to the year, therefore, know very very what do . Some of them could resupply by himself alone the European market.

Going back to the ecological facet of the equipment. Which relation have today the equipment of air conditioning with the environingingment?

It is necessary to take into account that the ecological sells. Besides, many of the big manufacturers are situated in countries of high ecological awareness, in countries in which the respect to the environingingment forms part of his culture. Like this, his equipment are medioambientalmente sustainable and this finish it transmitting to his competitors. Another thing is until which point the financial and technological efforts that this comports, compensate economically.

It will not be the same that before, no?

As no. Now there are more costs of manufacture and fewer margins, but, anyway, the market and the society throws to the green. This is a point that the manufacturers have clear and very assumed.

We are speaking of the effort of the manufacturer for designing efficient equipment, but what thinks of the consumer?

I would say that the consumer is very conscious of the importance to save in air conditioning. That that occurred before going in in a cinema in summer and go out with the feeling to having been in the Pole North was an error of beginner that is changing radically. Although it also is true that a lot of trades, like catchword, keep the open doors with the very high air. In general terms, I think that the message yes has calado.

“The big companies follow investigating with new refrigerantes, compressesors, exchangers and systems of control. It is like a bicycle, if you leave to give pedals, fall you”

How it attains the energetic efficiency in a building? Who takes part, who participates in this process to do of a building some efficient surroundings from an energetic punto?

The work begins by the architect, that is the one who conceives the building, afterwards comes the engineer consultor, that designs the installations, afterwards the installer, that realises them, and, finally, the manufacturer, that delivers the team to the installer that llevar the installation.

No all depend of the team…

No, of entrance, the building has to be very conceived, very oriented, with the faã§ades and material and the suitable isolation. Afterwards it goes in at stake the engineer that, in function of the needs of air conditioning according to the use of the building, will have to choose the suitable solutions. Ones will be more expensive and efficient, whereas others will be cheaper, but less efficient. In function of the budget, will choose. It is evident that what more sophisticated was the installation, what more save, more expensive goes to be. The property will have to value the period of amortización and the return of the investment.

And in which measure help the administrations to do of our buildings spaces greener?

There is very few subsidies. In a lot of cases, more than subsidies are financial helps: low credits, with periods of amortización long or with a period of lack. It keeps some help for installations of geotermia or solar and some plan renove, but this is finishing , is not the moment, given our current economic situation.

Before it asked after him the evolution and the big milestones in the development of the equipment of refrigeration. Now it would like us know in what investigates in the actuality.

The big companies follow investigating with new refrigerantes, compressesors, exchangers and systems of control. It is like a bicycle, if you leave to give pedals, fall you. In this sector, and think that in all the industry in general, if you leave to investigate, fall you because there will be another of the competition that yes is it doing.

Then, how it thinks that they will be the equipment of the future?

The tendencies are clearly marked by the energetic efficiency: today there is not team that do not design , publicite and present to the market like a machine that does not save power.

On the other hand, investigates in the utilisation of renewable energies: aerotermia, geotermia, hidrotermia and the solar and wind power. It remains a lot of for visiting. Never we will know until where can arrive .

“Small but important”

The Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning represents to 65 companies, 40 of them Spanish manufacturers, that employ to some 6.000 people in our country. The association looks after the gestión and defence of the interests of these manufacturers, through activities like the participation in conferences and studies, and with helps to the export and to the technological development. “It is a relatively small sector in terms of personnel and of contribution to the GDP, but important”, affirms José María Ortiz, general director of the Afec.

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Asociación de Fabricantes de Equipos de Climatización

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