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Ifema Heads to Asia and Latin America his international expansion


22 March 2013

In the next days, the Institution Ferial of Madrid gives the jump to the outside with two projects feriales linked to the sectors of the power and the hygiene. It treats of the fairs Matelec Chinese, that celebrates of the 27 to 29 March in Shanghai, and Sicur Latin America, that will take place in Santiago of Chile, of the 3 to 5 April. Both international versions of two of the most important industrial fairs of Ifema, will be organised in collaboration with the main local operators and with an important presence of Spanish companies interested in opening way in the outside.

Follows in its footsteps these projects, Generates Latin America, whose celebration is foreseen also in the Chilean capital in the month of October (16 to the 18), gathering to a sector pujante as it is the one of the renewable energies, of increasing demand in Chile for the next years, and whose interests in Spain look now to the international markets.

Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema
Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema.
The set up of these projects represents no only a road of expansion of the own activity and of the model of business of Ifema, but a value added for these industrial states and for the companies interested in the Asian markets and iberoamericano, as well as the best catchword to attract international buyers to our country. In moments of weakness of the internal demand and with a European market very mature for the exports, the possibility to commercialise in areas in expansion like China and Chile does indispensable for our industries. In this sense, Ifema carries several years working in prospecciones of sectors with international vocation, as well as in markets receptivos for the disembarkment of his fairs through strategic alliances in both geographic areas to export his marks with the maximum guarantees.

Other areas of internationalisation of Ifema situate in Korea, where has the commercial delegation of the main operator and enclosure ferial of the country, Coex, and the presence in Latin America in the sector of the education of third degree, whose main market receptor is Spain. To this add other actions like investments in the programs of Hosted Buyer, by which more than 2.000 buyers and wholesale of the most attractor trucks markets for our industries attend with a professional diary of meetings b2b to consolidate business in the most international fairs that celebrate in Madrid. A gestión supported by the commercial offices that IFEMA has by all the world.

Ifema Is the first organiser ferial of Spain, with an offer of around 80 fairs and 500 acts, conventions and annual congresses, in which they participate more than 33 one thousand companies and assist 2,6 million visitors of all the world. The impact of his activity like engine of economic development in the Region enciphers in more than 2.000 million euros, 1,2% of the GDP and in 44 one thousand places of work. 20% of his participants are international and 10% of his visitors come from of all the world.

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