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Air conditioning Registered the presence of 43.688 visitors and Generates, 20.014 professionals

More than 60.000 professionals visited Air conditioning and Generates 2013

Editorial Interempresas07/03/2013
Organised by Ifema, both celebrated living rooms between 26 February and on 1 March, gathered the proposals and novelties of more than 900 companies, in a marked context by the technological advance and in which the energetic efficiency and the sustainability have been indisputable protagonists.

Air conditioning, International Living room of Air Conditioned, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration, and Generates, International Fair of Power and Environingingment, have closed his doors with a positive balance and a professional influx of more than 60.000 visitors for the group of both fairs.

Air conditioning 2013
Air conditioning 2013.

The simultaneous celebration of both contests in Fair of Madrid has converted to the Spanish capital in focus of interest for the professionals of the sector, that have been able to know at first hand the last novelties and proposals of avant-garde of more than 900 direct –companies and represented, as well as the tendencies of market. All this in a marked context by the technological advance and in which the energetic efficiency and the sustainability have been indisputable protagonists.

In the breakdown of results, Air conditioning, celebrated of 28 February to 1 March, has received 43.688 professionals of 78 countries. In this occasion, the international visit has meant 8,8%, with the presence stood out of pertinent professionals of Portugal, Italy, France, Germany and China. Also it has been significant the national scope of this edition in which more than 60% of the visitors registered proceeded of out of Madrid, with special assistance of visitors of Andalucia, Castile-La Mancha, Castile and Leon, Catalonia and Valencia.

Regarding Genera, celebrated of the 26 to 28 February, registered the visit of 20.014 professionals of which 4,5% were of international origin, mainly of Portugal, Germany, Italy, China, France and Mexico. Regarding the national influx, 51,5% of the visitors proceeded of out of Madrid, and as in Air conditioning, has registered a greater presence of professionals of Andalucia, Castile-La Mancha and Castile and Leon, Catalonia and Valencia.

It generates 2013
It generates 2013.

Qualified visits

The results of both living rooms reveal likewise an important qualification of the professional profile of the visitor. In this sense, the most significant presence in Climatizacion has been the one of professionals of companies installers, that has supposed 22,5%; companies of maintenance, with 13,6%, and engineers, with 11,1%. In Genera, the greater number of professionals corresponded equally to the area of the installation and the maintenance, with 15,9%, as well as companies consultancies and engineers, specialised in design and development of projects, with 15,3%.

Conferences, days and other activities, to the complete

With big success of assistance developed also the numerous technical days, presentations, workshops and other celebrated activities in the frame of the two living rooms. On the one hand, the program of conferences of Air conditioning, Forum Climate, that along the days 27 and 28 February gathered to 2.300 assistants. By another, the Workshop of Technicians Applied –Workshop TAC-, organised by Asefosam (Employers' association of Plumbery, Saneamiento, gas, Heating, Air conditioning, Electricity, Maintenance and Affine of Madrid) and headed to the installers, that concentrated to 3.900 professionals, and for the first time, the Classroom of Singular Applications, focused to the world of the engineering, that gathered to 600 assistants.

In the frame of Genera, the program of Technical Days, developed during the three days of fair, had an audience of 2.300 people.

Air conditioning 2013
Air conditioning 2013.

The companies think

In general terms, the simultaneous celebration of Air conditioning and Generates has received a positive assessment, so much for the professional visitor with interest in matter of efficiency and sustainability, that has had the opportunity to access to a wide and complementary offer expositiva, as for the companies expositoras that, equally have showed satisfied with the derivative synergies of the meeting of both announcements.

The influx of visitors, his professional profile and high qualification, as well as the quality of the parallel activities have been the most stood out points by many of the companies participants, that declare to have surpassed expectations, in a moment of complicated coyuntura.

In this sense, José María Scrape, general director of Intarcon, ensures that “in Air conditioning was who had to be and for us this is the important”. In this same line expresseses Koldo Uría, director of Marketing of Domusa, who has done a very positive assessment and has applauded the conjoint celebration. “There have been a lot of people, with diversity of professionals”, affirms Maite Berasategui, director of Prescription of Orkli. This impressesion is shared by María Tejedor, responsible of Marketing of Air Conditioned of Samsung, who has perceived “more people of the expected and a lot professional and visitor of the guild”.

“A more professional profile that other years, with a high interest in novelties of product and opportunities of business”. This is one of the conclusions contributed by Paloma Sánchez Cano, director of Marketing of Daikin, the one who describes as very positive the coincidence with Genera since “it supposes a profit for the two fairs”.

From Isover show very surprised by the level of assistance and influx. “The visitor has been more professional”, ensures Claire Plateaux, responsible of Product of Air conditioning of this company. Likewise, it underlines the celebration of parallel activities “that they are very positive since they allow to tackle the subjects of debate in the sector, as well as the novelties”. The coincidence with Genera, adds, has been very well. There are points in common for installers, and for companies that, as we, work in the line of the efficiency and the energetic saving”.

It generates 2013
It generates 2013.

Also Lennox self-evident his satisfaction and his bet by the coincidence of both contests. An opinion that is shared by Pilar González, responsible of Communication and Marketing of Ciat. “The simultaneous celebration of Genera has attracted to the visitors of renewable energies and efficiency to the offer of Air conditioning. They have been visitors more professional, and that really were interested”, ensures. An idea that also share in Frigicoll, those who have surpassed his expectations and for those who the conjoint celebration with Genera is “indispensable”.

Some very similar assessments give off of the statements of the display units of Genera.

“Satisfied and with the expectations surpassed”. Like this they declare in Baxi Rock. His Marketing Manager, Jaime Palleja, has described as positive this edition and the conjoint celebration of both contests. Vanesa Moral, responsible of Marketing of Vaillant stands out also the influx of professional public and the tarpaulin of the simultaneous celebration. Tomás Díaz, director of communication of Unef, recalca the “success of assistance in the exhibition and in the technical sessions, that reached the aforo complete as well as the realisation of national and international contacts of interest”. For Díaz, the coincidence of both fairs has been a tarpaulin since “the autoconsumo and the air conditioning are subjects very related, there are synergies of public”.

For Josep María Peiró, Marketing Communication Manager of Schneider Electric, “the assessment is excellent” besides, affirms that “we have bent contacts concerning other editions” and consider that the coincidence with Air conditioning has been very positive. Also it stands out “the realisation of contacts with the market iberoamericano and in general foreign contacts for operations and international projects”. Concerning the parallel activities, signals that his experience has been very positive and that have had full total. In summary, explains like the participation of Schneider Electric in Genera has resulted alentadora and have been able to see the high interest that the subject of the autoconsumo awake in the public.

Air conditioning 2013
Air conditioning 2013.

By his part, Elena Méndez Bertolo, of Acciona, ensures that “the participation in the fair has been very positive as much as meeting point with our customers, partners of projects of investigation, as with other professionals. We think that it is very positive the visibility that has allowed us give to our work and experience”, Likewise, adds that “we Consider that there has been a remarkable influx of public, with profiles miscellaneous. We have received queries of foreign professionals: Europeans, Latin American and some African. Also it existed an important presence of students of the branch of power”.

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