
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Genera 2013 presentará los resultados del proyecto Messib de Acciona Infraestructuras

It generates 2013 it will present the results of the project Messib of Acciona Infrastructures


7 February 2013

Generates, International Fair of Power and Environingingment, that celebrates in Fair of Madrid between the 26 and 28 February, will explain a year more with a business representation of first level, that will show in the frame of the living room his proposals more vanguardistas and advances in matter of investigation and development.

Like this, between the companies participants finds Acciona Infrastructures that, in addition to having of a space expositivo where will attend to the visitors interested in his company, will install a zone of auditsorium in which they will develop distinct presentations during the three days of the contest.

Likewise, this company will give to know in Genera 2013 the results of the project Messib (Multi-source Power Storage Systems Integrated cheese cheese in Buildings), thematic that also will centre a specific exhibition.

This project is one of the last bets in matter of energetic efficiency of the Technological Centre of R&D of Acciona Infrastructures. His aim has been the development, evaluation and demonstration of a multi-system of storage of affordable power, able to be integrated cheese cheese in buildings and based in new materials, technologies and systems of control, that contribute a significant reduction in the consumption of power of the real estate and in the environingingmental impact.

In concrete Messib proposes four technologies for his integration in the edificación: materials of change of phase (PCM), a system advanced of storage of geothermal sensors power, a steering wheel of inertia realised in compound materials and a battery of flow redox with electrolito of vanadium.

The main result of the project is the design of a new technology for storage of thermal sensors power, geothermal sensors and electrical, that integrates strategies of control and energetic gestión of components. For this, have developed tools of simulation and computational software that allows the calculation of the energetic demand (heating/refrigeration) in the buildings.

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