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Fair of Madrid receives the simultaneous celebration of the two living rooms between 26 February and on 1 March

Air conditioning And Generates will convert to Madrid in capital of the energetic efficiency and the sustainability

Editorial Interempresas05/02/2013
Madrid will convert the last week of February in the capital of the energetic efficiency and the sustainability with reason of the celebration of Air conditioning and Generates. The two living rooms will coincide this year in Fair of Madrid, and will gather near of 900 companies, between display units direct and represented, that will exhibit his proposals more vanguardistas in matter of Air Conditioned, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration, as well as the last technological novelties in the field of the Renewable Energies and the Environingingment.

The International Fair of Power and Environingingment, Generates, advances his dates and will show the novelties closely of 300 companies, of the 26 to 28 February. Of this form, coincides in time with Air conditioning, International Living room of Air Conditioned, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration, that, between the days 26 February to 1 March, presents the offer of more than 600 companies.

Both contests, organised by Ifema, have a wide backrest of the sector. In the case of Genera the meeting has the collaboration of the Institute for the Diversification and the Saving of the Power (IDAE); whereas Air conditioning is promoted by the Association of manufacturers of Equipment of Air conditioning (AFEC). Likewise, the living rooms receive the support of the business associations and professionals more representative in each field, through his presence in the respective Committees Organisers and with a very active participation in the spaces expositivos and informative.

It generates 2012
It generates 2012.

Attractor trucks elder for the professional public

The coincidence of both living rooms will allow to the visitor take advantage of the synergies that give off of his contents and know at first hand new products, equipment and systems with a high technological component and innovative. Some proposals that, besides, present especially marked by the challenge of the energetic efficiency and the sustainability, appearances that are intimately tied to the development of both sectors and to the current interest of the market.

From this punto, the offer of Air conditioning and Generates is especially recommended to a wide professional community between which find consultancies; engineers; construction; trade; industrial users of power; manufacturers and distributors of equipment; installers and companies of maintenance; promoters of energetic projects; universities and centres of investigation; prescriptores and real-estate promoters, and public servicys, among others.

In addition to the wide perspective of novelties, services and solutions that offers the visit to the two fairs, the visitor will be able to participate in multiple activities that will take place of parallel form to the commercial exhibition, like technical days, workshops and meetings, in which they will tackle subjects of big interest and actuality, and that will provide an occasion inmejorable for the networking professional. In this sense to guarantee a greater accessibility to all the contents, Ifema has developed an APP with which the visitor will be able to download the programs of both fairs and have of an up to date information to the moment and select the conferences of his interest.

On the other hand, and with the end to contribute to favour the transfer of the professionals, Ifema, in collaboration with some sectorial associations, is organising in distinct cities of out of Madrid visit collective to both contests, facilitating his transport, through buses and BIRD.

The energetic efficiency, leading in both evento

Climatizacion And Generates also have in common the celebration a wide program of parallel activities, allocated all they to offer to the professional a wide perspective of the advances produced in his respective sectors, and in which equally they will have an important weight the subjects related with the energetic saving and the environingingmental worry.

In this context, the program of conferences Foroclima will have two sessions plenarias in which it will tackle The new European Directive on energetic efficiency and the future Royal decree on energetic certification in existent buildings, and near of 50 conferences around 10 sessions, on Normalisation and Reglamentación; energetic Efficiency in project and in existent installations; Technology: Equipment and Solutions; Technical Gestión of Buildings and Maintenance, and Frio Industrial. A last chapter will devote to questions related with the confort, monitoring as well as on renewable energies in air conditioning. This program will develop along the central days of fair, the days 27 and 28 February

The program of Technical Days of Genera, by his part, will contemplate the development of 23 sessions, along the three days of the fair, and a specific session devoted to the new Directive of energetic efficiency, that enters important legislative changes for the energetic sector. Also, they will present the international programs of support to the investigation and innovation in matter of power.

In the chapter devoted to desatacar the work of the companies in I-+D+i, both fairs present the Gallery of Innovation, that will offer an interesting vision of the technologies and lines of advance in which they come working the companies of the respective sectors.

Completing the contents of Air conditioning, has organised , by second consecutive edition the Workshop of Technicians Applied, Workshop TAC, a formative and practical space that puts the focus of attention in the installers. And like novelty this year, will celebrate the Classroom of Singular Applications, a fundamentally directed activity to the community of engineers in which they will expose real cases of critical installations of air conditioning and the practical resolution of the problem by part of the engineer.

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