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Sustainability, models autosuficientes and energetic saving

Surprising proposals in SAW it edition of the Gallery of Innovation of Genera

Editorial Interempresas11/01/2013
Generates 2013, that will celebrate of the 26 to 28 February in Fair of Madrid, will go back to gather in an only space the projects more vanguardistas in matter of energetic efficiency, renewable energies and protection of the environingingment. Bioclimatic buildings and integrated cheese cheese in the landscape, new proposals of recycling and advanced technologies configure the offer of the 14 projects selected this year.
Visit of the authorities to the Gallery of Innovation during the inauguration of Genera 2012
Visit of the authorities to the Gallery of Innovation during the inauguration of Genera 2012.

The Gallery of Innovation of Genera 2013, International Fair of Power and Environingingment, organised by Ifema, will present in his sixth announcement 14 projects that stand out by his commitment with the sustainability, and bet by the production of power directed to the autoconsumo and the energetic saving.

A jury, formed by recognised professionals of the sector, selects every year the proposals more vanguardistas in matter of energetic efficiency, renewable energies and protection of the environingingment. Of this form, Generates recognises the work of investigation and development that llevar from public and private organisations, and whose aim is the responsible and effective use of the available power.

Between the projects that will show this edition, find bioclimatic buildings integrated cheese cheese in the nature that surrounds them and able to resupply his energetic needs with renewable sources; different solutions of recycling that allow important economic savings and avoid the generation of waste, or innovative systems that optimise the obtaining of alternative power and reduce the environingingmental impact of the processes.

To continuation destallan the 14 projects that will be presents in the Gallery of Innovation of Genera 2013:

Installations and Electrical Settings of the Valley Aguayo Aerdirec. Aerogenerador Of 100 kW of direct axis

This prototype of aerogenerador is directed to the autoconsumo in customers interconnected to the general network. It has a specific aerodynamics, avoids the fatigue of the machine and has of a system of control that diminishes weights and costs of manufacture, achieving some excellent ratios of load in his rank.


The main innovation that contributes the project is that, in the actuality, treats of the only specific proposal that exists of an aerogenerador of 100 kW. The rest of aerogeneradores of this power come from of previous developments of big wind or of small wind. This distinctive shot offers the possibility to tackle the emergent market of autoconsumo that is arising in American countries, including United States, and constitutes in an alternative in front of the growth that to half term will have the market offshore in Spain.

Aterpean Study. Azurmendi, mirror of the earths of Biscay

The restaurant Azurmendi is a building where mixes the architecture and the nature, so that his installations form part of the landscape in which they give appointment huerta, restaurant and natural experience. The building is semienterrado and his cover consists of a huerta in the open air and another climatizada in invernadero, under which situates the kitchen and a canteen where taste these products.

Besides, the incorporation of the photovoltaic solutions of Inyx Solar endows to the real estate of active properties (production of renewable power); as well as of passive properties (thermal sensors isolation, energetic efficiency, filter of harmful radiations…).

Among others appearances, Azurmendi obtains of a geothermal sensors installation 90% of his needs of cold and heat; his thermal sensors isolation improvement in 400% the exigencias of the CTE and has of takings of current for the load of electrical vehicles.

INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technician). Model of aerogenerador notarised for validation of code of simulation, essay of profiles and escalado of shovels

This team offers the possibility realise a complete aerodynamic study of the futures aerogeneradores, whose quality depends, to a large extent, of the predictive capacity of the tools that use for his design and analysis.

Among others appearances, the system pretends abaratar the costs of essays allowing test shovels with diverse profiles and configurations to obtain his global coefficients of work. The essays on different profiles resolve the problem of the escalado of shovels for the optimisation of the aerodynamic design, an appearance that up to now was without resolving inside the industry of aerogeneradores of big potential. Besides, they facilitate to obtain at the same time a computational and experimental approximation, that achieve to validate the tools of calculation and study the particular problems of the investigation.

Thyssen Krupp Elevator Manufacturing Spain. Fénix And and-Flex, modernizando the elevators eficientemente

The projects of elevator Fénix and and-Flex, oriented to the residential market, are based in a group of kits headed to modernizar existent elevators, although they also can be installed in buildings of new construction. Both solutions adapt to the new normative, allow the personalización for each customer and favour the energetic saving (until 58% regarding the systems of conventional elevation).

The elevators Fénix and and-Flex can reach the Classification To in base to the Certification of Energetic Consumption of agreement to the German norm VDI 4707-1 (category of building go in To-G). This cataloging bases in the consumptions, so much in operation as in way “stand by”. This makes possible that the repercussion of this epígrafe in the total consumption of a building (usually between the 5 and 8%), reduce to the 3,5-4%.

Houses Camaleon – Exclusive Estates. Houses Camaelón – Kanta Reya

Marries Chameleon is a specific architectural intervention for terrains rústicos that integrates in the surroundings paisajístico and environingingmental that surrounds him, reaching a high index of energetic and bioclimatic efficiency. This proposal bases in the sustainability, and is autosuficiente, as it covers 100% of the needs of power with means of respectful own production with the nature.


The house endows of a system based in energies biomass, photovoltaic solar and thermal sensors solar that resupply radiant floors calefactantes, lighting by LED, systems of renewal, etc…

In addition to covering his annual energetic demand, House Camaelón attracts the water that precise and manages his waste by means of the use of renewable energies, the aprovechamiento of the natural resources, the reuse and the recycling. For this, 90% of his cover has to to be vegetal, big part of his walls are buried to provide natural isolation, has ventilation crossed, shaded intelligent of faã§ades and solar chimney, among others.

The project prototype ‘Kanta-Reya' is the first unit executed with DNA ‘Marry Chameleon'.

Enagas. Electrical generation in the Plant of Regasificación of GNL of Enegas in Sticks of the Border (Huelva)

This company tackles a pilot project, of innovative character, for the generation of electrical power in one of his plants of regasificación, basing in the principle of application of a thermodynamic cycle ‘Rankine' that uses like thermal sensors focus of heat the water of sea (renewable source and no consumables), and like cold focus the natural gas liquefied (GNL) that uses to condense the fluid of work or intermediate and finds to -160º.

The system has like aim generate an electrical power of 4,5 MW net, ensuring of this way the constant availability of this power along all the year.

The installation takes advantage of of this form the advantage of the different temperature between the water of the sea and the GNL to obtain clean electrical power with what attains an energetic profit, with the recovery of power that at present is poured to the sea; an economic profit, derived of the possible export of the power produced to the general network and an environingingmental profit, by the saving of consumption and the production of primary power that avoid the use of fuels fossils.

Ingeteam. Ingeteam Intelligent Home

Maximizar The degree of autoconsumo and of energetic efficiency are the aims of this technological project. The system offers an integral solution that makes possible that a domestic installation include sources of production of renewable power, systems of energetic storage, stations of load for electrical vehicles, computer applications for the monitoring of the installation and a system of intelligent gestión that control the group.

This agent controls the connection and disconnection of the appliances and of all the present loads, as well as the lit and the turned off of the sources of renewable generation.

Besides, thanks to the device Ingecon EMS Power Measurement, the agent receives information about the flow of power exchanged between the installation and the public network; a flow that is bisteeringal and that also can interrupt.

Fronius Spain. The house autosuficiente – 24 hours in the sunlight

The ‘Fronius Power Cell' provides to this proposal an entirely autonomous source of electricity and heat by means of cogeneration to reach the maximum energetic efficiency (until 80%) in a familiar house.

The solar power turns into electricity of continuous current by means of solar modules installed in the covers of the buildings, what allows that it was consumed directly during the day. Besides, the batteries can load in such a way that they provide the necessary power in the nocturnal hours. The excedente daily generated in summer supplies power to the ‘Fronius Power Cell' that, to his time, produces hydrogen that is stored in an external tank. In inverno, the hydrogen converts again in electricity and in this process of conversion produces a residual heat that is used to provide sanitary ware hot water, and to complement the system of heating.

Móstoles District Heating. Móstoles District Heating

With the aim to resupply of heating and hot water sanitaría to 5.698 houses of the Madrilenian municipality of Móstoles presents an ambitious project of a head office of thermal sensors biomass and a network centralised of heat.


The zone in which it pretends act is of residential type, originated in the years 70, characterised by a big demographic index with buildings of big height. Account, besides, with a service of heating and ACS that resupplies of big obsolete head offices that work with diesel

The head office of heat situates in the industrial zone Meadow of Regordoño and his only source of power is the forestry biomass. The process posed is totally systematised, llevar an automatic control of the production in function of the demand.

It solves Power. Project of investigation and development of technology of repotenciación applied to the recycling of photovoltaic modules

This project pursues to develop the necessary technology to realise the repotenciación or recycling of photovoltaic modules that have arrived at the end of his useful life. In his set up has the collaboration of the Department of Photovoltaic Solar Power of the Ciemat.

Him repotenciación of modules solves one of the big problems of the photovoltaic solar power, as it is the generation of waste, that in the year 2010 rose to 8.000 tonnes, and that foresees that it reach the 132.750 in 2030. It comports, besides, a reduction of costs, since it could diminish or avoid the implantation of an ecotasa of recycling of this type of systems.

The machinery automated that it will develop will be composed of a zone of diagnosis, a zone of treatment correctivo, a zone of relaminación and a zone of desensamblaje.

Reaccion Uptheworld. Project EOLI FPS

This turbine mini wind of vertical axis is an up to now non-existent team in the market because it is able to obtain a stood out aprovechamiento of the power of the wind, so much of type laminar like turbulent, as well as by his high capacity of performance above the current limits imposed to the aerogeneradores traditional (already was of horizontal or vertical axis).

EOLO FPS Contributes also a greater margin of operating capacity, big efficiency in any diet of speed, a perfect architectural integration for urban cores, the possibility of the agrupamiento of the machines, absence of external mobile parts, is easily transportable and does not need elevation for his installation, reduces the acoustic pollution.

Ruíz Larrea & Associated (With the collaboration of the companies Lledó, Cricursa, TDM-Zone of Experts and José Luis Remesal). Headquarters of the Andalusian Agency of the Power

This building has been conceived like an alive organism and a perfect energetic machine, that composes of several remarkable elements by his employment of the renewable energies and his clear bet by the energetic efficiency.

Like innovative elements stands out the employment of the Bioclimatic Pixel and the Façade Biopix. In this proposal the envolvente arises of the combination of several layers of pixels. On the one hand pixels of solar catchment (photovoltaic and thermal sensors) and, by another, pixels of shadow (celosía) that protect of the radiation.


The Façade Biopix, that configures in function of the specific conditions of each solar, integrates so much element of revestimiento traditional, like other more sophisticated systems like photovoltaic panels or termosolares, screens of led, etc…

Another of the contributions of this project are the Pozos of Luz, a system of lighting formed by pipes that trasmiten the natural sunlight from an upper focus until a series of inner zones.

Cifesal. System of power termo-solar amplified transfer waters and air

With national technology, Cifesal has developed a solar manifold plane, whose characteristic physics make possible the obtaining of hot water to 80º, for his insertion in the industrial sectors, tertiary and social (collective and individual). This manifold allows to go in in the rank of usual temperature, for his utilisation in industrial processes, as well as in heating and sanitary ware hot water.

The system is constituted by a solar manifold very specific and the amplifier of solar irradiation, that increase notably the renewable thermal sensors power by unit of surface and time, in addition to reducing the busy surface of catchment (until 40%).

Sendekia. ‘SDK Wave Turbine'. Turbine undimotriz to generate power from the waves of the mar

The sea has sufficient potential power to cover more than the double of the energetic demand of the world-wide population. ‘SDK Wave Power' Is an integrated cheese cheese hydraulics turbine in a camera of resonance OWC, that attracts the power of the waves and transforms it in electrical power. This device is able to produce power in a solution off-shore (system type buoy) or in an integrated cheese cheese solution in rompeolas, protecting the coast at the same time that produces power for autoconsumo.


The aims of ‘SDK Wave Turbine' are to generate power with a very efficient system no contaminante, with a low visual impact, acoustic, of space and that do not affect to the flora and fauna. Likewise, it pretends that the cost of the power produced was competitive to half term and that the technological solution can be integrated cheese cheese in big plants generadoras with floating systems or installations in coast to way of rompeolas. Finally, it could serve of impulse to the nautics industry and of the Spanish dockyards.

Genera, meeting point of the sector of the renewable energies in Spain

Beside the Gallery of Innovation and to the commercial offer, Generates 2013 will receive the celebration of Forum Generates, in which it freamers a program of presentations of product, solutions and services. Of the same way, will develop a Program of Technical Days, organised in collaboration with the different associations that back the fair, in which they will tackle the most notable subjects of the energetic actuality and tendencies of market.

Genera, as main meeting point and of reference of the sector of the renewable energies and the energetic efficiency in our country, will coincide with Air conditioning, International Living room of Air Conditioned, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration. Both evento, of contents especially marked by the environingingmental sustainability and the energetic saving, will offer to the professional a wide perspective of the advances and solutions that, in this sense, have produced in diverse sectors.

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