Knauf España - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Knauf España
Av. Burgos 114 planta 6ª edificio CETIL 1
28050 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑913830540  
🖷:  +34‑917661427
Plates of plaster laminado

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Knauf España

Build the Future

Following the marked philosophy by the founders of the company, in Spain is cream in 1989 the Spanish branch of the Group Knauf. With a first headquarters in the place of Getafe in Madrid, Knauf GmbH Branch in Spain, begins his path in the peninsula with a small industrial ship from which the group of people that initiated the company had like aim the same that now we pursue:

Provide Quality, Technology and Comfort whose main interest centres in a prime matter with qualities really exceptional, an invention genial of the nature: the plaster.

From 1989 the hard work for the introduction and consolidation of the systems of the construction in dry, has suffered a lot of altibajos until arriving to the current situation, that undoubtedly, is of big satisfaction for all those that have ploughed and shared the together way. For the time being, Knauf GmbH Branch in Spain is one of the main manufacturers of plate of plaster laminado of Spain and Portugal, with a quota of market of 24% and an upper turnover to the 70 million Euros in 2003.

human Team

The human team that forms our society this composed by specialists, each one in his sector, delivered in 12 commercial delegations, the factory in the pirineo leridano, the headquarters and head office in Madrid, in total more than 140 people that follow and share the philosophy and the spirit with which the founders of the big group Knauf conceived a company. The familiar spirit. The importance of the familiar union and of the sense of community and cooperation of the workers. The work in the team of Knauf is not another thing that the consciousness of the family in the place of work.