Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología sin Zanja (IbSTT) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología sin Zanja (IbSTT)
Josefa Valcárcel, 8, 3º
28027 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑913202884  
Business Association.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


IbSTT, Iberian Association of technology without ditch was created with technical-scientific and not-for-profit purposes in 1995, legalized on 29 April 1996 and registered in the General Register of associations on the 8 of July 1996, in order to develop the knowledge and practices of technology without ditch for the benefit of citizens and the environment, reminiscent of more than 20 companies homologous STT already existing in the 1980s in the rest of the world, spread across 6 continents and all of them are linked to a common trunk, which is the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), of which IbSTT is a national full member in Spain and Portugal.

Promote "Techniques without ditch" for among other works; installations, inspections, maintenance, locations, rehabilitations and replacements, relating to pipes and buried networks of all services as they may be: distribution of drinking water, gas, sanitation, electricity, telephone, cable TV, irrigation, drainage, optical fiber, etc. It falls within the main objectives of IbSTT.

Fifteen years later, IbSTT brings together 46 Spanish, belonging to 11 autonomous regions and two companies Portuguese, making it the national Sector association with highest number of associated companies. Superior Council of colleges of mining Gómez-Pardo Foundation engineers Asociación Española de Empresas de Assembly and industrial maintenance (ADEMI) mines Gómez-Pardo Foundation.ieros Asociación Española de Empresas of Assembly and industrial maintenance (ADEMI).

IbSTT is member of the Committee technical of normalization 149 AENOR "Water engineering" Secretariat: AEAS, through the AEAS, Spanish Association of supply of water and sanitation, member company of IbSTT founder ysocio.

Also usually receives the collaboration of CEDEX through the address of the laboratory of hydraulics, CEH-CEDEX IbSTT invites you to join your organization to anyone who is interested in the technologies without ditch: administrations and public bodies and private, construction companies, services companies, engineering, consulting firms, manufacturers and/or distributors of equipment and elements for pipes, associations, Universities, research centres and technological development, participating in its principles.