Hilados Biete, S.L. (Ressol) - Cleaning carts


Trucks and cubes of cleaning: with microfibra

Picture of Trucks and cubes of cleaning
Hilados Biete Commercialises a complete system developed for cleanings of maintenance and disinfection in the half hospitable consistent in trucks, cubes with cover hermetical, supports and mopas.

By means of the preimpregnación of the mopas and bayetas attains diminish the consumption of water and of chemical products, reduces the risk of pollution crossed and achieves a maximum level of hygiene and disinfection.

Besides it presents a range of Trucks of Cleaning with all the accessories to facilitate cleaning and transfer in big spaces, a new range of Abrasive Disks, new cubes for fregona, will increase the range of Microfibras and the one of clothes desechable.