Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Specific measurement equipment for construction, public works and agriculture

Rubi Tile Level

System of nivelación: recommended for the placing of formats from 30 x 30 cm

Picture of System of nivelación
Often, the small throw off balance between ceramic pieces in the placing of big formats and baldosas rectified desmerecen the work of the colocador. By this reason, with the end to facilitate the work of placing and at the same time facilitate the best finishings, Rubi has developed the system of nivelación Tile Level.

This inventive system improves the superficial plane obtained in the placing, when avoiding the movement between pieces during the fraguado of the adhesive and delete throw them off balance between pieces. His use, especially recommended for the placing of formats from 30 x 30 cm, allows a reduction of the time of placing and in consequence an improvement of the profitability of the works. Besides, it is important to stand out that the placing with Rubi Tile Level reduces the fatigue and the effort of the colocador.

The fast system of nivelación RubiTile Level is totally compatible with the use of crossheads for the boards and his utilisation is very simple and fast to learn by the professionals of the placing. Thanks to this system, the colocador only has to ensure of the perfect planitud and nivelación of the first placed piece. From this moment, Rubi Tile Level allows to keep the level of form milimétrica in all the placing, without need to strike and level each piece.

Definitely, this system propiciará an improvement of the productivity and of the level of finishings of the placing of big formats, increasingly frequent and usual.