Estaciones Depuradoras, S.A. - Waste water treatment equipment

Process MBR for the construction of biological reagents: in the waste treatment water

Picture of Process MBR for the construction of biological reagents

The employment of membranes submerged for the construction of biological reagents is a technology that has experienced a big advance in the last years, and that has modified the conception of the traditional plants of waste treatment water.

The employment of cassettes of membrane of a type or another allows the obtaining of a big quality of permeado.

It does unnecessary the installation of a decanter after the biological reactor when obtaining a free water of solids in suspension, that can reutilizarse directly.

Between his characteristics stand out:

Operating capacity of the biological reactor with high concentrations of fango.

Volume of the reactor of 3 to 10 lower times that the one who precise in a traditional plant of fangos activated, SBR, etc. Lower

production of fangos, like result of the high concentration bacteriana in the reactor.

Separation of the time of hydraulics retention and of the time of retention of fangos. It allows to reach ages of fangos high.

Under energetic consumption, that situates between 0,1-0,3 kWh/m³ of water treated.