Spain Crane International, S.L. - Mini cranes

Unic URW-095

Mini cranes: for works in interior

Picture of Mini cranes
The mini compact cranes Unic combine design, precise manufacture and materials with technology advanced. Have the flexibility and the capacity to help in a big variety of situations of elevation, inner elevation, installation of glass and settings of steel.

The URW 095 reaches a big length of feather and his stabilisers allow the cofiguración multiple of independent positions to be able to adapt to the area of work. It has a system of stability patented by Unic that protects the machine and improves the hygiene in the work.


- total Width 0,6 m.

- Maximum radius of work 8,41 m.

- Petrol fed with gas GLP and electrical option.

- Engine diesel with electrical option.

- It does not increase of the length with the electrical option (except diesel).

- Stabilisers configurables in multiple positions.

- System of intelligent alarm by voice.

- System of protection antivuelco, alert of stability.

- I irradiate control of series.

- Activation by intelligent valve for economy and ecology