Eurast - Cooking kettles

Eurast RMI70

Marmitas And frying pans basculantes: in stainless steel

Picture of Marmitas And frying pans basculantes
The range of marmitas and frying pans RM 70 is built in stainless steel 18/10 AISI-304 and has some dimensions of 800 x 750 x 850 mm. With a capacity of 70 l and a power of 13.000 kcal/h.

It is a marmita with operation to the bathroom maría (indirect heat) with operation to gas and regulables with gifted tap of valve of hygiene with permanent pilot of maximum and minimum. Also it has tap of filled for cold water and hot water.

The frying pan has basculación by means of steering wheel and controls through valve termostática Minisit of 0 to 190 °C.