Persianas Persax, S.A - Security blinds

Persax Blockalum 95

It lick of aluminium of double wall: for doors enrollables of hygiene

Picture of It lick of aluminium of double wall
Blockalum 95 is one lick manufactured in aluminium of extrusion of double wall reinforced with double inner septum and intermediate profile autoblocante. Developed for doors enrollables of hygiene, this lick has a system autoblocante that works by means of a profile of blockade, placed between lick them, that originates the trip of lick it inferior and upper to the sides of the guide. Thus, from the outside is impossible the lifting forzoso of the persiana.

By the maximum hygiene that awards, this lick, developed by Persax, is especially indicated for doors of trades that demand the maximum protection , for example jewelleries or pharmacies. Available in version coined, with or without metacrilato.