Genebre, S.A. - Kitchen taps


Horizontal tap of double pedal: with filter

Picture of Horizontal tap of double pedal
This pedal has been designed to work in a rank of pressesures of the installation that oscillates between 0,5 bar and 10 bar, although it recommends that for a correct use work between 1 and 3 bar. Besides the maximum temperature recommended of use is of 65 °C. The minimum discharge of the pedal, so much in mix like alone with hot or cold water, is of 12 l/min.


Pedal mezclador for professional or industrial kitchens. They employ two cartridges accionados by both pedals with recovery by dock. When stepping the pedals, these basculan around an axis and oprimen the pistón of the cartridges displacing them longitudinalmente along the mount, compressesing the dock and separating the soleta mounted in the pistón of his point of contact with the mount. By this separation happens the water of the network until the camera of the pedal, and from here through the orifice in his top pipes to the outside.

All the connections, so much of entrance as of exit, are of G ½ B normalised. To the soltar the pedal the dock extends to recover his original form, pushing the pistón and presionando the soleta against the mount. Like this it remains interrupted the flow of water.

To the accionar each pedal only one of the pistones, and be these connected with the entrance of cold and hot water, respectively. To realise the mix of hot waters and cold water is necessary presionar both at the same time, so that they go in similar quantities of water from each entrance and mix in the main camera.

To ensure that they do not go in impurities in the cartridges that can damage the mobile parts, have placed filters in the entrance of each cartridge, so that they intercept all the particles of big dimensions.

The setting of the pedal in his position realises by means of two screws fixed to the floor in corners diametrically opposite of the body, what allows us ensure immobility. These screws and his corresponding swearwords are supplied with the reference.

The cleaning and maintenance of the pedal realises without need to take out the pedal of his place. Simply it extracts the axis basculante of the pedals, the pedals with his respective distanciales, and to continuation the cartridge. When being the integrated cheese cheese filter in the same the cleaning is fast and simple.

The body and the pedals have been manufactured in brass according to the norm JOINS-IN 1982, and to ensure the protection against the corrosion all the elements have been cromados according to the norm IN 248.

Technical characteristics:

1) Body realised in brass as it JOINS-IN 1982.

2) Pedals realised in brass as it JOINS-IN 1982.

3) Cromado as IN 248.

4) minimum Discharge: 12 l/min (3 bar).

5) included Filter in the cartridge,

6) Temp. máx. Recommended: 65 °C.

7) maximum Pressesure use: 10 bar.

8) minimum Pressesure use: 0,5 bar.

9) Pressesure recommended: 1-3 bar.