Genebre, S.A. - Bathroom taps

Genebre Serie GE2

Grifería monomando: with silent ceramic cartridges

Picture of Grifería monomando
Genebre Has created a series to expand his range of grifería. The series GE2 monomando instrumented with silent ceramic cartridges of Ø40, the investor of the bathroom-automatic and manual shower.

This series fulfils like the rest of the range of grifería with the norms JOINS 19703:2003 and it JOINS it-IN248-2003 that consists in the fulfillments of the different essays:

1- Characteristic of construction (thermal sensors driving of the organs of control, orifice of exit, attachment of the fixed pieces)

2- Been of the significant surfaces (resistance to the corrosion and adherencia of the revestimiento)

3- Characteristic mechanical (essay of estanqueidad before and after the seat, manual and automatic investors, verification of the no intercommunication of the feedings, mechanical behaviour under pressesure, length 70.000 cycles that are opening and hot cold mix that corresponds to 3 times open and close the tap in cold position, head office and hot of the cartridge, mobile team of the investor 30.000 cycles and articulation of the caño giratorio 80.000 cycles.

4- Characteristic hydraulics

Discharge of the toilet, bidé, shower and fregadero minimum 12 litres by minute and the bathroom-shower in position bathe in 20 litres by minute with a pressesure of 3 bar.

It is a series of half range characterised by his lines curves, his ergonomic design, his resistance and reliability, situates in the half segment of the market with some competitive prices, thought for his provision so much to level of new work like replacement.