Persianas Persax, S.A - Awnings


Flat awning: for his application in verandas, covers glazed, gardens of winter, etc

Picture of Flat awning
The flat awning Creta is a system designed for his application in verandas, covers glazed, gardens of winter, etc.

His application above the glazed contributes a very important solar protection, improving of significant way the thermal sensors isolation, repercutiendo this directly in the comfort and the saving of power in the air conditioning of the stay.

The maximum measure of surface is of 25m2, with a maximum exit of 6 metres and minimum of 1,4 metres. The maximum line is of 5 metres and the minimum of 1 metre.

His setting is but simple when coming the cartridges of tension already mounted in his interior, with what avoids the manipulation of this system by part of the installer.