AIMPLAS - Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico - Plastic plates

First high heliport of Spain realised in compound material

Picture of First high heliport of Spain realised in compound material
The problematic current in the construction of high heliports in buildings already existent or of new plant consists in the excessive additional load that supposes for the structure portante. This forces many times to add additional structures to the own of the building, or to sobredimensionar widely the structures in the case of new works.

This problem can solve using a light material, like the polyester reinforced with fibre of glass, of lower density that the concrete and the aluminium, and with a greater resistance to the corrosion and to a wide group of chemical agents. Besides, the greater resistance to loads of impact of the polyester reinforced with fibre of glass allows a greater hygiene during the landing of the helicopter.

Of this way can solve the construction of these surfaces for the despegue and landing of helicopters of a simple form, since these structures can build in buildings that require a high heliport and, however, do not have of any another space in addition to his cover for this.

In this sense, Aimplas and the companies Fibrotec, and Urjato have designed and developed the first high heliport in material composed of Spain.

The potential market of the construction of heliports, in front of the fault of space in the cities to situate them, is wide, being able to go allocated to hospitals, business centerses, centres of investigation, services of transport regulate of passengers, hotels, services of citizen hygiene, and to private use.