Cisa Cerraduras, S.A.U. (Allegion) - Door closers

Cisa Serie D7200

Cierrapuertas Aerial: with an innovativo system of regulation

Picture of Cierrapuertas Aerial
Cierrapuertas Recommended for installation in doors that by his use are used by greater people or incapacitated, thanks to his new internal mechanism reduces considerably the effort to the opening.

It has of an innovativo system of regulation FAST that allows to regulate the strength of the cierrapuertas of fast and simple form, according to the dimensions of the door (strength regulable 2÷5). Visualmente Can consult in which strength is regulated the cierrapuertas.

The valve of regulation of the final hit allows to control the speed of the door in the last degrees of closing to achieve a closing optimo in any situation.

The valve of regulation of retardo in the closing allows to control the speed of the door in the first degrees of closing to achieve a retardo that allow for example, the step of stretchers in a hospital.

The valve of regulation of brake to the opening “Backchek” allows to control the sobreesfuerzo to the that can be subjected the cierrapuertas and the door when the door is opened of violent form.

Available version of arm with electromechanical retention (alternative to the installation of electroimanes in doors cortafuego).

It possesses staff of adhesive setting and removible that facilitates the labeling of the orifices of installation of the body and arm of the cierrapuertas.

The quality of the materials used and the high constructive technology contribute to the cierrapuertas CISA a regularity of operation and a long length in the time.


Product according to the European rule JOINS IN1154 and JOINS IN1155

Marked CE according to the Directive 89/106/CEE in the apt models for installation in doors cortafuego.