Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Broaches

Rubi Easy Gres

Broaches Of diamond: for dry cut

Picture of Broaches Of diamond
The broaches of diamond for dry cut, usable with amoladora, allow taladrar with big ceramic material ease, gres and gres porcelánico. These broaches are manufactured by means of technology “Vaccum Brazed”, ensuring an optimum finishing, a big rapidity and an excellent durability, with a good relation quality-price.

To facilitate the use of this type of broaches, RUBI® has designed the guide Multidrill, in addition to a practical kit in a briefcase again design and offers, optionally, a system of reduction of dust.

In the wide range of broaches of diamond for humid cut, usable with taladro electrical, RUBI® has expanded his range Easy Gres, designed for taladrar gres, gres porcelánico, granite, marble and glass, offering now diameters of until 120 mm. Unlike the diameters of 6 to 12 mm, that use with the practice miniguía Easy Gres, the diameters of 20 to 120 mm use with the Guide Multidrill, combined with a new system of refrigeration by pulverización.

The utilisation combined of the broaches Easy Gres with the system of guided and refrigeration allows the obtaining of some perfect finishings with a big ease of use and with an excellent relation quality-price.

The majority of broaches of diamond RUBI® serve now in a new packaging reusable and with function of case, that improves his functionality and protection, in addition to facilitating his prescription and sale.