Saunas Inbeca, S.L. - Saunas and Turkish baths

Inbeca Terma romana

Balneotherapy: with temperatures between 45 °C and 55 °

Picture of Balneotherapy
The main characteristic that differentiates the terma roman with regard to the rest of thermal sensors bathrooms are his inner climatic conditions; a temperature between 45 °C and 55 °C and a level of relative humidity of the air of 65% -70% HR. In the past this achieved through a series of channelling under the floor by which to circulate water previously boiled with coal or firewood. Today, Inbeca has entered technological innovations to improve and optimise the operation and profits of the terma roman.

Besides, they offer the possibility to purchase a cabin prefabricated or realise his cabin in work in base to the design that more adapt to his style and/or space realising also the follow-up of his construction and instrumenting it with the ideal machinery according to size and characteristic of the same.