Persianas Persax, S.A - Awnings


Awnings, cofres and semicofres: better protection in front of to the rain and in wind

Picture of Awnings, cofres and semicofres
Persax Offers a range of awnings realised with lonas Swela Sunsilk, that offer a protection of 98% rente to the rays GRAPE in addition to some technological characteristics very advanced: they repel the liquids and the dirt.

In addition to his care finished aesthetic, so much the lonas like the mechanical elements of the awning remain totally collected and protected in front of the inclemencias atmospheric, what allows to increase the useful life of the product.

Persax Offers with each one of his awnings a letter of guarantee of the cloth and of the thread with which make , with a coverage of 5 years.

Besides, they exist crowd of colours and finishings, so much in the herraje and accessories as in the lonas, in accordance with all type of designs and faã§ades, to give that touch of distinction also in the outside of the house