Persianas Persax, S.A - Motorised systems for windows


Automatisms for blinds and awnings: possibility to program the hour of rise and of descent

Picture of Automatisms for blinds and awnings
Persax Recommends always the utilisation of his motors like system of accionamiento of the persiana by several reasons:

By comfort, as it supposes accionar the persiana pressesing a button. Even it can program the hour of rise and of descent

By aesthetics, since it disappears the strip of the recogedores

By modernity, since it supposes the integration with the rest of electronic devices of the house, being a first step of the concept of intelligent house (domótica).

And especially because it improves the operation of the persiana, since the rise and the descent produces with a lot of more softness, lengthening his life.

Persax Guarantees that all his motors fulfil with the homologations and normative that demands the community market.