Renolit Ibérica, S.A. (Alkorplan) - Construction and renovation of swimming pools


Armed plates: to renew swimming pools that lose estanqueidad

Picture of Armed plates
The armed plates Renolit Alkorplan constitute the optimum solution for the renewal of swimming pools after the first symptoms of loss of impermeabilización. The exclusive properties of these plates contribute hygiene and protection to the swimming pool, guaranteeing his estanqueidad without supposing a high cost. Besides, the armed plates Renolit Alkorplan rehabilitate the swimming pools turning them into tight spaces with the maximum durability, with the advantage to be able to place these plates on any another material of construction of the swimming pool (mosaic, gresite, …), without need to extract it.

Of this form, the armed plates Renolit Alkorplan constitute the optimum solution so much for the construction as for the rehabilitation of swimming pools in case to be necessary a renewal of the same.